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Rob got knocked right off is D-8



We're done with constraint therapy for a bit. Rob was suppose to have his cast removed Tuesday - and just couldn't wait. He took it off himself on Monday. I can't really get it out of him how he managed to get it off. He said he used a grinder (which I know he has several of different sizes). That may be a story I never know.


Every day he had his cast on, he improved with his right arm, and his attitude got worse. By Sunday I had never in 26 years of hanging out with him, ever saw him that grumpy. Owee he was miserable.


During his CT I saw improvement in his right arm - I just don't know if the improvement was enough for him to sacrifice his limited mobility. He has moved through his rehab like a D-8 Cat - and learned to do so much with one arm and hand. So much that his left arm looks like popeye's leaving the right arm far behind. Putting a cast on his left arm pushed him right off his D-8, and he didn't take it well.


I look forward to hearing what his OT says when she measures his progress tomorrow.


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