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Another Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!

Kj mcmeekin


Yesterday, the 26th, was 2 years since Chris had his first stroke.


Not much has changed. Chris is still completely paralyzed on his left side. He still continues to have alot of pain which we are being told is neuropathy. He is on the highest dose of daily Neurotim, I change his pain patch every 3 days and he uses Percocet for breakthrough pain.


Several months ago I did purchase an electric wheelchair for him, although he is afraid to drive it on his own. Most of the time I stand beside him and drive the chair. It has really helped me - especially getting him in and out of the house. Of course it has made it much easier for us to get outside and enjoy time together especially taking long walks.


He continues everyday doing his exercises and OT. I was hoping that by now we would see some improvement from a year ago, but nothing.


He has a good attitude and still claims that someday he will walk again. The doctors tell me "no" but I would never take that hope away from him. Everyone tells me that the doctors don't know everything but I think with this one - Chris walking? - I agree with them.


Chris does seem that he has finally excepted what the strokes have done to him. I still try to keep life as it was before his was stricken, although I am still working on getting the proper transportation so that we can start getting out and going away.


Everyday is a repeat of the day before - maybe the problem is that I have not accepted the way life is now. I feel trapped between our 4 walls, but I could have never left Chris in the rat trap of a nursing home that the hospital had placed him in. For the family and for Chris bringing him home was for the best. I just wish figuring out problems would become easier and solutions would come faster.


I thank God everyday that he is still alive!!!!!!!!!!!! And continue to work everday to make things better - better for all of us.


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Nice to see you blogging again Kim.


I would fight to make days not like the day before. I know Chris is not as mobile as Ray so we have more opportunity to go out but I have strived for a routine so Ray knows that on Monday we do this, Tuesday we do that. In your case maybe Monday could be icecream for dessert etc. If there are different walks to do, Tuesday could be the day we go past the park. Wednesday might be Macca's lunch. Maybe this doesn't apply in your world but it does in mine.


Because of Ray's various conditions our world will soon shrink back again. It is hard to see that happen but the example of people like you and Chris shows me that other people cope with that and I can too.


Go on working to make life better for both of you.


Sue. :friends:

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I'm glad you've shared this update with all of us. And I'm happy for you that Chris has a good attitude. That makes all the difference in the world.


As for feeling trapped by the four walls.... Maybe you need to start getting out a couple times a month by finding a local caregiver's lunch out club or something else that is a repeating social thing just for you to do on a regular basis. If you can't find someone to sit with Chris you can do daycare. We know a wheelchair bound guy from speech class that goes and loves all their field trips, card games, etc. Caregivers need to learn to do some things for themselves when you hit that two year mark.



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Kim, that's why I have so much admiration for caregivers here knowing what my wife went thru with me and my manual wheel chair lifting to load and unload it. We finally got the insurance to provide a lift. I was in it for 9 months total including 3 months in hospital. Then they got the scooter and lift, she was in tears, but like you and others here, she stuck by me all the while day and night.


I feel blessed to be using the scooter for distance travel and able to drive. I walk so slow and still paralyzed, no feeling on left side after over two years. My chances of recovering very much is slim due to the massive area of damage from the bleed.


Then there is the use it or lose it syndrome with my left side. Fine motor skills just aren't there anymore.

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I, too, am happy to see you blogging again. Just a note to encourage you regarding the paralysis. A gal in our stroke support group shared that she was 9 years out from her stroke and finally able to move her fingers enough to hold onto a can of soda and pull it to her mouth to sip it. Never give up on trying to get movement back in the affected side. The person who emailed me about the herb that helped her father to move his affected limbs after three years remains a mystery to me, as I can't remember her name, but she changed Gary's ability to move those affected limbs to the point he can lift his right leg enough that he doesn't have to drag the foot when we walk him. He also can pull that right arm up to his chest enough that if we can strengthen the fingers enough to hold a spoon, he will again feed himself with his right hand.


We constantly strive for more improvement, but have to be willing to accept that this may be as good as it gets. Every day is a challenge and even though I sometimes get depressed and want to give up, I know that if I give up, he will quit trying also. This is the most difficult job I've ever had in my life, but one that brings many more rewards than any paycheck I've ever received.


Hang in there.......and do whatever you have to do to take time for yourself!!!!





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Life is really what you make of it. If you've been handed a lemon in life, like a stroke :ranting: all you can do is to MAKE LEMONADE -

With a positive attitude, the both of you can learn to live, love and laugh together and make the best :blush: out of a scary situation :friends:


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