Heading North!
:tired: The last two weeks have been full of planning, purchasing, packing and praying! I have read the manual for the motor home - several times. Turned things on, turned things off, put water in, drained water out, cleaned, rearranged and have just about worn myself out. Denny desperately wants to help so I have worked hard to identify things that he can do without falling. So far his favorite thing has been sitting under the awning (which I just figured out how to open today) with a cold drink and pointing out things for me to do. Then he says, "Sorry honey, me help." I have really missed him doing all the things he used to do for us.
We are planning to leave tomorrow for our shake down cruise. My son took me out today to practice backing up 31 feet of fiberglass. I am proud to say I was successful in backing out of my driveway (long and curved with a steel gate to maneuver through) and back in again. So after loading the fridge tomorrow and some clean clothes we will be on the road.
I have checked several National Forest campgrounds and also some state parks. I have narrowed the choice to two. The first one doesn't have any hookups, but the rig is self-contained and has a generator so it would be ok. We are used to primitive camping and being frugal with water usage from our days sailing, but I think since it is our first time out with this rig, I would rather not be so remote and have a few creature comforts. Denny doesn't care, he just wants to get out of this heat. He is so sweet, he just keeps walking by saying, "Motor Home, YES!" He has been busy charging all his camera batteries. I have to remember to pack his tripod so he can manage the camera with one hand. He has about 4 lenses packed to take along. That is my new job, photographer assistant. Before the stroke, he wouldn't let me near his gear, now he is happy for the help changing lenses etc.
I just hope that I have the energy to set it all up and fix myself an ice cold drink! :cocktail: I'll try to post photos when we return. Wish me luck with backing up! :out_of_here:
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