New speech skills
Denny has been out of therapy (speech, ot & pt) since the day before his PFO closure on July 12. Prior to the closure, his standard speech consisted of a few words and not more that two together with regularity. We noticed during our camping trip that he was finding more words. His speech has consistently improved over the past few weeks. Even he has noticed. Tonight while we were at dinner I asked him if he realized how many new words he had and how often his "sentences" were three or more words. He said he did and then just grinned the best grin! The other night he actually asked me, "Honey, can you scratch my back please?" I almost fell out of the bed.
We talked to the neurologist's nurse and let her know. We wonder if the closure of the PFO has allowed for more oxygenated blood to reach the brain or if the heart is functioning better allowing for better blood flow from the unaffected side of his brain. Since his closure was part of a research study, we thought it was important to note.
Denny has claimed that the improvement is due to the beer he has been drinking on occasion in the evening. He pointed to his tongue and said, "Beer, loose." :cocktail: Who knows, but whatever it is, I am LOVING having him talk more.
The absurd part is when he is chattering at night in bed. After he gets in bed and we both get settled, meds taken, hand splint on, pillows all adjusted and the house is quiet, I take up my book to read. Lately he has lots to say. So it is now read a paragraph, translate and respond, wait until I think he is sleeping to start reading a paragraph only to have him think of something to talk about. After all these months of longing for him to talk to me, I find myself wishing he would be quiet! It doesn't last long when I remind myself of all those silent nights.
We have made our plans to go to New Mexico next month. Denny has decided he is going to go fishing. He is not nor has he ever been a fisherman. I can imagine how much fun I am going to have since I believe baiting the hook requires two hands. Stay tuned for the fish report! :fishing1:
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