veggie.vampire's Blog

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Went to our local town today. Realised quite how much I've changed when we bumped into a man I went to rehab with. Last time he saw me I was about to have CPR (stopped breathing altogether so a nurse stepped in with CPR, thanks Glyn, I owe you my life!) and he kept saying I look like a different woman now! Made me fondly think of all those people I've met through my stroke and wonder what their outcome was; my earliest days were in special care so many will not have survived that. My goodness I have a lot of good memories and forged some friendships I wouldn't have otherwise. Without the stroke I'd not have those, everything has its purpose. Glad in a way it happened. Certainly it brought my sister and I very close, she's like a friend.


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It's very good that you can reflect and see some positive things out of an unfortunate situation. It took me a long time to get that way, but it is a good feeling when you get there.


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