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Massage from Kuwaitie



Yesterday, Farhaan had his first massage from this guy from Kuwait - he apparently came to South Africa a year ago. His name is Mohamed Deedat. He spent about 45 minutes in massage with olive oil - head to toe. I noticed that Fahaan's little hand movement became faster. He also lifted both his legs (bending knees like frogger).


Looks promising - the massager says he will do about 6 more massages and we will see great results.


I have nothing to lose - Farhaan was happy with the massage and is scheduled for anther one on Friday (15/09/06).


Head control and swallowing action improved a tad bit.


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hey Zain:


that's great news, I too after my traditional therapy when ended went to India for alternate treatment which included some herbal treatment and massages, though did not help me much, but hey I didn' have anything to loose at thattime except money:)


I will tell you again Farhaan has age on his side so he is going to recover a lot, you will see.


and as my hubby would tell me when I was very depressed about my condition, we will keep on trying and knock on every door atleast some window someplace will open up.


its long road to recovery, you will have to be very strong for you and your family, kids adapt to things pretty easy




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