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My friends heartache



Today a dear friend in Florida may have to tell the doctors to "pull the plug" on her only child....her 25 yr. old daughter. This young woman has had many problems in her life and made a lot of bad choices. Her family got her in to drug rehab that was to start soon. She decided to have one more fling before going and OD'd. She is now in a coma with little to no brain activity.


In spite of the bad choices and the heartache she caused her family, she is loved deeply and the family is saddened that her life is lost to a powerful addiction. My heart hurts for them all.


Although this is a pain like no other, my friend knows that her lovely daughter will no longer be sick or in pain and will now be safe. There is a sense of relief that they will no longer have to worry about her or dread the phone call that all parents worry they'll get someday.


She leaves a 4 yr. old son who has been raised by his grandparents (my friend and her hubby) since birth because his mom was unable to take care of him.


God Bless you Amber....may angels guide you to His arms. Prayers for dear Mona and Jim as they face the hardest decision of their lives. Blessings for little Dylan that he has loving grandparents to nuture him.


Makes my problems not seem so bad.


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