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My little melt down



I've been asking Rob for over ten years - maybe twenty.... that all I want for Christmas is for him to quit doing my laundry. I want my clothes washed in cold water, and many of them are hung dry because I like the stiffness associated with hung clothes. It also prevents those little balls from getting on your clothes in the dryer AND most important, it keeps the clothes the same size (and color) as when you buy them.


I even hide my dirty clothes in the bottom of the hamper -- he still finds them.


This morning I put a load of laundry in the washer - anticipating I could hang them to dry when I came home from work. As a person that works outside our home, I like to manage the laundry, in such a way, that it is constantly done throughout the week, rather than on one specific day. SO, I came home a bit late from work (which was my first mistake) and heard the dryer running. I immediately ran to the dryer, opened it, to see all of my clothes (work clothes) being tossed around, carelessly in the dryer, getting smaller, and smaller. Of course I had a hissy fit, and told Rob I was NEVER going to speak to him again, until he promised he would NEVER touch my laundry again.... it took about 5 minutes and the promise came (I really didn't expect it).


Rob informed me that if I just washed all these clothes again, I could just simply hang them to dry and everything would be okay :(




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Hey Karen, this is why we sundry our clothes and then IRON them so they keep their shape! Touche! And we do wear cotton for summer as it breathes and synthetics don't so it keeps us cooler.


I couldn't stand it if Ray did the laundry as he would just put everything together (explains why he once found his underwear was pink from putting it in with Shirl's red cordoroy jumpsuit) and if Trev does it he hangs it all crooked.


It is nice that Rob wants to help but I guess you just have to find other helpful things for him to do?



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I'm not making light of your issue with Rob, but isn't it kind of funny that no matter what guys do they can't please us. Women whose husband's never touch the laundry would be happy to have them do it and women whose husband's do laundry are always complaining that they do it wrong. Maybe it's a secret male plot that they the ones who do laundry do it wrong so their women won't expect them to do it all the time? I mean how hard is it to learn to do laundry? And yet these guys who can remember complex, work related things and sports scores that go back to their youth can't remember to sort the clothes or hang-dry certain things?


The only thing Don ever knew about laundry was the way to the laundry service where he'd drop his laundry off and pick it back up in a few hours. In his entire life, he's never operated a washer and dryer. And, yes, that method is the hardest on your clothes.


I suspect that all couples have these kinds of issues that become on-going 20-30-40 years bones of contentions. And sometimes I think we do what we know will ruffle the feathers of our mates because we're mad about something else altogether but we don't fight about or talk about what is really bothering us. So we subconsiously do these little passive aggressive actions instead to instintigate another kind of fight.


Just one of the girls in the laundry support group, Jean

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Jean -


I have a little rule - that am only allowed three things to b**** about. I also try to get Rob to abide by my three-item rule, because he can be quite a nag. Long ago I realized we were going to get along much better if I quit complaining that he didn't fold the towels the way that I did, and that he didn't put the dishes away where I wanted them......... and the list can go on. However him doing my laundry, costs me extra money, when I have to buy new clothes then that issue is just a bit harder to let go. The funny thing is, that I'm quite a messy person and easily leave my shoes in the middle of the entry way, don't rinse out the sink after I brush my teeth, and that list goes on......numerous things that he takes issue with. So we pick our battles, and we let some go, and it has worked for 25 years because we have lots of smiles, laughter, compassion, respect, love, and we rarely stay mad about things more than about 15-20 minutes, then it's gone..... It's so much easier to get along when you just let 90% of those petty little things, go by, in the big scheme of things, they really aren't that important. I guess when those petty things are bothering me, that is sign, things are well settled in my life, and that is a good thing.

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Well, said Karen. The world would be a better place if we all did those things you just posted about---letting go of petty stuff, never staying mad more than 15-20 minutes, your three item rule, etc.




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your blog came on timely manner, same thing happened at our house yesterday, though at our house I don't fight about it, since hubby does lot of things which includes everything, I bought few shirts from India, and I knew color will come off, so I was keeping it aside for hand wash, since I can't do it yet, hubby picked up my reaally brown shirt and mix it with my orange shirt and hand washed himself, and volam my orange shirt has brown patches everywhere, now I come home and look at it and said oh, can't wear this shir anymore, he says, oh it looks like interesting design to him :blush:. I just laughed it off, I decided not to fight this battle since he was trying to help me out here, and did not do on purpose, so we are on even keel


BTW I loved that quote, and now I m making it my personal signature




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Is this something like - in every good marriage each spouse thinks they are giving 90%?? :big_grin:


I've had my share of laundry woes over the years - and now I get to do it all and if anything is messed up I can only blame myself! Same with the cooking, cleaning, dish washing, garbage removal.......if I don't like it I can be mad at myself.


It has never seemed to fail - nobody else ever ventured toward the laundry basket until I had a blouse that needed special care in it, then it got thrown in with everything else. The only good thing is that my family has never known there was any temperature on a washer other than the one I'd placed it on. I've used cold water for years!!


Yes, we are a true sisterhood here!!

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