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The first ramblings of a new blogger



I've never done this before so I apologise already for the inane ramblings which no doubt will follow. When talking to Asha & reading all the blurb about writing a blog it seemed as if they come in all shapes & sizes (a bit like humans & strokes really) so I thought that until I get my thoughts totally organised & focussed on this new tool, I'd just waffle on a bit.

It's been quite a busy week here in the Snow household. My oldest daughter, Victoria, celebrated her 7th birthday last Friday. She had a party at a hairdressers on Sunday where ten 7 year old girls had their hair & nails done & even got to put on some eyeshadow & lig gloss! It's scary to me how quick this is all happening. Not only is my little baby now more interesting in the world of fashion (& those awful dolls called Bratz!) but the Little Mermaid DVD is now gathering dust in its cover, where once she droned incessantly recreating Ariel's songs. When I turned 7 I had no thoughts of make up & stuff. Mind you, at 39 I still haven't much clue on that front! At least Libby (at 3) is still little enough to enjoy all the things a child should.

I have to say something very exciting is happening to me next week. On Wednesday I fly back to UK (I live in US) to visit my sister who is expecting her first child. What makes this more exciting than usual, is that I shall be travelleing ALONE!!! :Clap-Hands: Something I have not done since Victoria was 5 months old! Not sure how I'm going to cope without the additional rubbish that accompanies travelling with children. How will I handle watching a whole film all the way from beginning to end without interuptions & toilet requests? I'm leaving Victoria in the capable hands of her father (& yes I have warned her teacher that she probably won't have a good wash for the whole week!) & Libby will be staying with a friend who also has a little one so they can play. I think Snowflake (Victoria) will be fine. Libby, I'm not so sure about. Although she's far more of a monkey than Snowflake ever was, I reckon she'll find it harder to be without me. Or is that just my ego talking? I'll let you know.

Concerning my sister's pending child, both girls have chosen names for their new cousin. Snowflake wanted to call the child Victor (if it was a boy) as originally the baby was due on her birthday. Libby has chosen the name Cinder, which we believe to be short for Cinderella. Everyone with whom I have spoken feels that Cinderella MacAuley DOES have an interesting ring to it, but for some inexplicable reason, my sister didn't seem to impressed by the idea. She doesn't know what "flavour" child she's having & both parents are staying very tight lipped about name choices. I suppose all will be revealed in due course.

Well for now I think I'll leave it at that. I'd appreciate feedback so that I can learn from my many mistakes. Next week I shall post again, updating you on the baby fron t & letting you know xactly hoe much I'm missing the girls (I suppose my husband Tom ought to be included in that statement too!)



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Welcome...there are no mistakes in the blog world...just let it flow!


I find journaling is a wonderful tool to help one process. I've used it pretty intensely the last month although now things are leveling off. Normally I journal in private but this place has really helped me deal with the stroke of my ex-partner who has recently broken up with me after 3 years. Now I plan on journaling about how my life is moving onward!


Blogs will ebb and flow depending on our needs...don't try to plan it, just do it.


Enjoy your trip to the UK...have a very grand time!!!

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Hi Sarah,


Glad you finally found your way back to the blogs. It's great back here and as Robyn says there are no mistakes back here...well, almost none. Asha will slap your hand if needed. (A joke Asha :D)


I love what you did for your daughter's birthday party at a hairdressers. I've never heard of that kind of a party before. Cool idea for little girls in a hurry to grow up.


How long are you going to be gone on your trip?



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I am so jealous that you get to go to the UK - what fun! :Clap-Hands:


I will be oh-so-impatiently waiting for details, details, details!


Have a fabulous time. :oohlala:

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there are no hard set rules in blogging atleast in my mind write what you feel comfortable in writing, though here in blog world I can get even with you, since I have lot of powers (aha ha ha- evil laugh)


since we have now window in your world, will want all details from your UK trip. Im sure it will be lot of fun, catching up with whole family back home will bring lot of chilhood memories


BTW welcome to blog world, you finally did it.




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Does your sister stay in Scotland? ( I know you have relatives in Scotland) If so dont forget to bring your has been wet.....though it is quite warm.



i hope you get to see your new neice or nephew.


I wsh you a safe journey, dont forget to wear your flight socks :big_grin:


I bet the girls will have a lovely time with out you.....oops you know what I mean :giggle:







PS I look forward to reading your blog..BTW how is the dancing coming on?

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