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A Month has gone by



Holy cow!!! It's been over a month since I have been here. And, alot has happened.


Have to be honest about the 1st book in the book club - still haven't finished it yet! One chapter left and I just couldn't take the wintry weather and I felt like I was in a 'community gossip fest'. I will get it done sooner or later and check out the questions and such at that time. I've been reading a laughable book about mid-life for women.


The retriever, Shandy, had a lump come up on her right front paw - CANCER - she is 8 so I had to decide what to do. Thank goodness that my kids' father agreed to pay for surgery. She had it on Wednesday and I am waiting to hear about the cancerous lump. Kid's were crying and getting mad at me because it happened - like I wanted this to happen!!!!!


STILL married - yuck, uck, uck, uck.... I talked to my soon to be EX tonight and asked him to please get a move on this. Another month gone by and only the lawyer's are getting richer. I want my life to move on!!! :Tantrum:


My son moved out 2 weeks ago and brings his laundry home and takes groceries so he can eat. Imagine, a Sous Chef and he needs my food to eat. And I let him, actually ask what he wants while I'm out. My own fault, BUT I love my kids.....I believe I said that in other blogs.


Oh, I need a vacation from LIFE. Maybe for Christmas when their father comes home to see them. Here's HOPING!!!!!!


Only one more week to go in Golf and then I get a few months off!!!! I'll wait to see if the Co-chairmen want anything done over the winter before I cheer. :giggle


Enough for now. Promise to get caught up and keep it up for here on in.

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I can totally EMOTE re: the "STILL MARRIED" I've been legally separated for 3 years but can't get my ex to move his posterior to get any paperwork done and I really can't afford to make my attorney richer right now...UGH... I would've had this done over a year ago but unfortunately I had to make child custody changes and didn't want to get divorced until that was actually done...still not done...he's a PUTZER...putz putz putz over everything!!! GRRRR!! :Tantrum:

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