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He did it again!



Couple days ago, Rob was upstairs and yelled down to ask if I could find his long underware in the dryer and throw them upstairs for him (our house is that small, and yes it's that season).


So I opened the dryer, and pulled out the first black item I found. It was my shirt, okay, similar fabric to his long underware, but a little different shaped. I searched again among the towels and such, and pulled out another black item - oh, yet another of my shirts, yes similar to the first. With great fear I continued to pull the next black item out of the dryer, and what do you know, a pair of my summer shorts (I wear these year round in the house). Yes, they too are black, and made from synthetic material. However a lot smaller than Rob's long underwear. The last black item was a pair of my underwear. So I had to tell Rob that no, there were none of his long underwear in the dryer, and by this time he had come downstairs. I began with the first shirts and showed him how the little balls from the towels he had washed them with are not clinging to my shirts. He explained that he thought they were his long underware. I can totally understand that mistake, as the fabric is similar, however the arms on my shirts really can't match the length of the legs on a six foot four mans long underwear - but I wasn't going to make a big deal out of it. However I did question how he could confuse my shorts and undewear for his........ No hissy fit, I'm done with that. He was punished for his unwillingness to examine the clothes he was washing more carefully by not having any clean long underwear to wear.


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There is a simple solution to your laundry woes. Get yourself a small hamper to put the dirty clothes in that you don't want Rob to wash. Label it as such and do your own separating when you take your clothes off and decide if the item goes in your special hamper or the one that holds the family stuff that you don't care if Rob washes.



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at our house we have family hamper which has 2 compartments, one for color and one for whites, it works great for us, no more I have to separate laundry even a caveman can do our laundry, that's y nowadays I m doing it :big_grin:




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Karen, I have found that with Ray nothing I say sometimes changes a method he is using, eg washing up where he empties a large amount of detergent into the dish. I have to make some changes in the way I operate to get to the solution. eg I now put the detergent and water into the dish and then call him.


The brain has taken a new path to doing certain tasks and this sometimes skips some of the logical steps in favour of a quick fix. (Or maybe there is some thinking - let's just get this over with and get onto what I REALLY want to do).


I think Jean's idea of a seperate hamper for the clothes you are going to wash yourself is a good one.



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I do have a separate hamper - he still pulls clothes from it. Maybe I need to get a hamper that I can actually put a lock on. He really thinks he is helping me - or he isn't thinking at all. He is just trying to get the laundry done and could care less about any associated details...... You are all helping me to really come to the conculsion I'm going to have to work really hard keeping my clothes out of his circle of influence - because I don't have any faith he will change, and I should just quit expecting it.


Robyn - we're a bit North of Anchorage and are getting up to about 55 degrees in the heat of the day - it is freezing at night now.


Thanks all!



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I love Alaska...you must be somewhat near Palmer, right? I was there in August and remember wearing my bulky sweater as I wandered through Denali Park!


Can you put the hamper in a separate room that he doesn't frequent?

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Have you got an old suitcase with a lock that you can use for a hamper? That could easily be slid under the bed and out of sight. You're right, about Rob not going to chance, so you have to if you don't want to spend the rest of your life getting upset over this. Maybe after a few months of this, you won't even have to lock the suitcase/hamper.



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Jean - that's perfect! I've already decided it is going to be really inconvenient for me - to try and keep my clothes away from him. But honestly it will be so worth it since his washing them can do such damage. I remember having a brand new sweater a couple years a go, that was shrunk to the size of 6X. He is just such a busy guy and doing laundry is sometimes just a part of his day.....


Robyn we are actually farther north than Palmer, we're in Talkeetna - likely you stopped here on your way to Denali.....



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Had lunch there in fact!!! It is INCREDIBLY beautiful up there. But I understand the need for the winter underwear now!!! I could be VERY happy living in Alaska!


I think you need to do whatever it takes to give you peace of mind regarding your clothes. It is worth exploring all options to see what helps best! :hug:

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