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:cloud9: :D :Clap-Hands: :cheer:


My Little Sis has had a boy!!! Charles Peter (Charlie) was born on Wedneday evening at 7.13pm (British time) & weighed in at 6lbs 14oz.

Both baby & mother are doing wonderfully well.


After a non-evetful flight & 2 1/2 train journey I arrived here in Worcester a few hours ago & was taken directly to the hospital by my mother who had just driven up from Cornwall.


My sister, very selfishly, decided she couldn't wait an extra 18 hours for me & had the baby before I left The States!

So I am now the proud possessor of a nephew. I have some very large shoes to fill as my sister is the most wonderful aunt to both of my girls. I therefore have a lot to live up to in the Aunt department.


When I phoned home to let SNowflake (Victoria) know about her new cousin, she informed me she would have liked a girl cousin. So I have already put in the order with Aunty Mandy for the next one.


Libby was just interested in the present I told her that her cousin would be bringing her.


Well, more info later. Off to celebrate with bubbles now!



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hey Aunty:


congratulations to everyone in the family, glad your sister andbaby doing fine, post some pics of baby or show me when you come back from your trip.


you sound such funloving aunt that I bet your nephew will be very lucky to have you as his aunt.



enjoy bubbles




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Congrats Auntie Sarah... I don't think you have a thing to worry about, you sound like a very proud auntie (& big sister) Have a wonderful time and glad everyone is doing well!!!

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