Vix's Blog

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Who would have thought?



I NEVER thought I'd be thinking this.....I'm ok with me right now. Yes, I can't walk far or fast, can't use my left hand, but it's ok. When this whole nightmare started 18 months ago, I NEVER thought I would get used to this, but I have. Of course I still have my "woe is me" moments but they are nowhere near as frequent as they used to be. :Clap-Hands: I think the good belly-laughing at my sister's wedding last weekend helped!!!


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I'm so happy for you! Not that you had the stroke, obvious, but that you've reached a place of comfort! This is wonderful and will truly help you move on and reach your fullest potential! :hug:

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I agree with Robyn. Once we, as caregivers and survivors, find acceptance it's easier to find fun, rewarding and interesting things to do with our time. That doesn't mean that the stroke recovery progress has to stop, it just means you don't put your life on hold until you've got 100% back again.


What was the belly laugh about?



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Jean, about 10 years ago, my sister moved to Cape Town and my Dad sent me (the big sister!) to help her find a place to stay. We were quite wild and went out partying quite a bit! We were laughing about the one night when we were dancing on the tables in an upmarket pub in Cape Town!!!!

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I was so happy to see your blog and reading contents of it, made me realise you are now at real better place, but blogging about our daily routine life also helps other survivors to see life can be good once again.

with disability. hows ur hubby doing





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Ah, those famous table dancing days. I have a few memories of those from down in the Bahamas. (What do they put in their rum?) One of the perks of getting older (like me) is that we have more memories to draw on to make us smile, laugh, cry, feel sad and know that we've had a good, well-rounded life.



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I remember those "table dancing days" :lol: Maybe one day you can get yourself back up on those tables for old times sake!


Jean...rum is very very dangerous...speaking from experience :rolleyes:

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LOL If I recall it was schnapps that evening!!!!!


Asha, thank you, Greg is fine. A bit stressed at the moment because his company is restructuring and retrenchments are on the cards, but otherwise all is good. I can only sneak onto the site at work as I don't have a computer at home, so daily blogging is difficult.

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