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So my Shsycho;ogist says "good that I annnn havingg "good days"Slowly,there will be ,ore amd hoprgully,ome day ,more good onesthan bad.I just takr it as it comes.I am starting to give in to the fact I have almost no control over amythinh amyway


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She's a wise woman, Heather. You will keep having more and more good days and less and less bad ones.


Keep blogging, too. It helps to get your emotions out in the open.



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Your therapist is right. You will have more and more good days...I swear! None of us really have control over ANYTHING...stroke or no stroke...the Universe...God...whatever you call it, is in control!! I've spent the last year working very very hard on that concept...it gets easier over time!

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Hey Heather:


yes your doctor is right, and as soon as you also realise that we don't have lot of control on our life though we would like to believe otherwise. Just thank every moment in your life with fact that you survived stroke for a purpose, and God will get you through all bad and good days.




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HI Heather, it will come, good days will be more than bad days.


I totally understand how frustraiting recovery is. Patience is something very hard to learn. With stroke recovery FAST is not even in the vocubalary...


it really honestly does get better, but it can be very slow going... hang in there, keep coming back here, and blog.. we will try to help you .... keep doing your exercises. using the computer helps too.


I played computer games ... did little things i could. the more you repeat something the eeasier it is to do. try to keep your mind active and challenge yourself in small steps.



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