how long has it been?
i dont even know how long it has been since my dad had his stroke but it wouldve had to have been close to five months. its hard. im supposed to be getting on with my life but all i can do is think about my dad. he hasnt woken up yet. well he does, he opens his eyes and is 'awake' but he is still in the coma. its hard not to lose hope and sometimes...i know this sounds horrible...but maybe its better if he stays asleep because im so scared of what hes going to be like when he wakes up. i want to remember my dad as my dad...not as someone i have to care for. its really hard on my grandparents. they havent left his bedside. they are there day in, day out. my brother and i only visit my dad once a week. but its really hard. mum works full time... my brother and i have school. i feel so guilty. i feel guilty about not really 'talking' to my dad either. my grandma practically forces me and i feel like an idiot. i feel like im talking to myself. i just dont feel comfortable why cant people understand that? if he can supposedly hear me, wont he know that im there anyway? who really cares... i feel so angry when im there. not at dad. at myself. and everyone else. i cant talk about how im feeling. not to anyone. sigh. i guess no one around me really understands. what *beep* me off the most is my mum.. tries to be nice to me... shes 'changing' yeh right. shes till the same old selfish attention seeking person she always was. i dont want her to try to understand whats going on. she doesnt. i want him to wake up so badly... not for me, i can deal with it, but for my grandparents, my brother, rose... my grandma keeps saying he will be awake for christmas, its breaking my heart. im at school right now, i should be working...haha. i feel guilty that im not there more often. i feel guilty that i cant talk to him. i feel guilty that i just plain cant talk. i just feel stupid talkin to people about 'feelings'. im not really that kind of person. maybe because im forced to suppress them in my own house. i cant say anything to my mum. she doesnt know where her priorites are. shes too busy chasing after a stupid man... she hasnt cooked for like 3 months... wait she cooked last wednesday. first time in ages. and not since then. not a scrap of food. i guess im growing up so fast. my dad would be proud. i won a scholarship to my school. i cut my hair... he would hate it though, always telliing me just to leave my hair. i went to derby day and got dressed up, so did martyy we looked gorgeous... its my brother's 13th birthday tomorrow. all the things he's missing out on... you just have to hold onto hope................ but i dont know if i have any left. because i dont know whats going to happen. and im tired of not knowing. i just want a difinitive answer. yes or not... awake or asleep... something. to know. let me grieve. stop all this not knowing.
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