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An introduction



October 12, 2005 my life was changed forever. My daughter was taken by squad to the hospital by ambulance after she was unresponsive at home. We were soon informed that she had bacterial meningits, and encephalitis. By the next day we brought up the fact that she was not moving her left side. We were told she could have had a mild stroke and she did have an MRI, which did have suspicious findings but they did not believe it was a stroke. After multiple seizures(one lasting 30+ minutes) a couple of days later, and still no movement on the left side another MRI was ordered. We were then told she had in fact had a stroke in her right temporal, perietal, and occipital lobes. Once Alicia woke up plans were put in place to have her moved to another children's hospital that had inpatient rehabilitation. Alicia we were told would be there at least 3 months, by God's grace she was only there 2 weeks. Alicia was never supposed to walk again, but she did.


While we are blessed with Alicia's physical rehabilitation, we have been dramatically effected by Alicia's mental changes. Things like executive functioning, emotional regulation, impulse control, compulsive behaviors, short term memory loss, aggressive behavior, learning disabilities, and significant changes in her maturity levels, where she is far more childlike than she ever used to be. Alicia is unaware of her deficits for the most part. She asks me often, why she still has to go to therapies. She tells me, "Mom it's been a year already, why are we still going through this? I am fine!" Alicia is far from fine! Alicia will be seeing a psychiatrist to deal with some of these mental issues.


I will be blogging about the trials with Alicia and how I may or may not be dealing with it. Thanks for reading!


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Welcome to the blog community. I think you'll find---like many of us have---that blogging is a process that leads us to a healthy mental place than we were before. We carry things inside that need to come out and examined and just putting them into words really helps.



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I had a right side CVA.. I am three years post stroke.. one of the defixits of a right side stroke, is not recognazing you are not fine.. I soetimes feel "FINE" inside my head .. was not "aware" I guess I would get up to walk and realize then I ... am NOT fine..


I feel as if I had no attention span. over 3 yrs I have been working on this.. I am now dyslexic ( I was never before )I sometimes have trouble with "word retrevial" finding the words I want, if I am tired my speech has pauses. my spelling was always very good before and is not now. I also have memory issues.


I am not complaining about any of these.. It took me awhile to realize them and accept it. I work with computer games and continue to challenge myslef. I also have loss of some peripheral vision on both sides..

I am listing some of my deficits ... from a right side CVA .. that was according to the doctors a "mild stroke"

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Bonnie, thank you for your candor. I appreciate hearing other's stories, especially those who have similar symptoms as my daughter. I will pray that you will have continued healing. Have you seen that you continually keep improving, is it a pretty slow pace now of improvement? Thanks for your answers.

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Hi Kim Yes I do see improvement.. My physical abilities came back fairly quickly with PT and practice.. I started walking better my 2nd yr post stroke. Most of the deficits are now are cognitive.. When I first started with the computer and computer games I could barely finish one hand of card or 1 set of a game. I am now playing scrabble and word yachtzi. I also play mahjong where you have to match the tiles.


I drive, do some shopping, cook, bake... I still get distracted easier and come back and find things I've started not finished..lol but I do well with cooking and baking. I also crochet.


I volunteer here and I am happily married, have 4 grandchildre, we have 5 acres and lots of animals. even though i cannot return to my job I keep quite busy and am happy.


Alicia is young, so hopefully her skills will return, it takes a lot of repetition and practice. Recovery is slow, sometimes you don't really notice the small things.. Patience and Encouragement....


Wishing you all the very best.


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Kim(Alicia's mom)


welcome to our blog world, and I can tell you from my own experience blogging is indeed very therupetic, but make sure to blog about positives too however small it is, what I realised from my own experience as soon as I put it on virtual paper, its importance increased tenfold in my mind, the simple hug, love you from my child made my day so much more worthwhile.


I understand stroke does take awa ylot of important things from our life, but it also leaves baxck lot of small things, and those are the things to be grateful about. As a parent it hurts more to see your child suffer, I know this cause I see that hurt on my mom's face, but it also makes me very happy when she is proud of my accomplishments.


Asha(Ashay's mom)


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