More new accomplishments
Hello to everyone,
I just wanted to list some new accomplishments over the last couple of weeks to share and also to keep track of them for myself. It seems Mike is past a plateau, he's starting to do alot of new things lately. For instance......
Put on and take off his shirt with little help from me.
Pull on and Push down his own pants with little help besides balance.
walking more consistently to and from the bedroom with more controlled balance.
taking off his own socks.
scanning left to right better to enable him to read full sentences.
sitting up on his own from a lying down position with little help from me.
he has been able to roll over on his stomach for a while but now can also push himself up onto his elbows.
Eating with a regular fork or spoon with little or no spills on a consistent basis....we ate at the cafeteria one day after therapy and he ate everything including his cake without spilling anything....I was very proud. I basically do not feed him at all unless it is something very runny like soup or cereal, which I have no doubt he will be able to do by himself soon.
I'm sure there are more things but I'm just not thinking of them right now. I don't know that he really ever was at a plateau but maybe that all the new things are probably from the new therapists pushing him to try to do things that the others didn't because they didn't think he could. Not that they weren't excellent therapists but we needed some new eyes to push him further. The other day at therapy the pt who hadn't ever worked with Mike wasn't aware that his balance isn't the best and was letting him stand while just holding on to her arm......he did fine and was standing really well but I don't think either myself or the other therapists would have ever tried that because we would have been too worried that he would fall......but he didn't, he stood just fine. He's actually never fell so I guess I shouldn't worry about that as much as I do.
Recovery never stops......there should be a ban on the 6 month to a year thing that we hear so much about.
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