Spring cleaning??
Yes, here it is the day after Thanksgiving and my daughter and I have done some "Spring Cleaning" The temp reached mid 70's today, so we had the windows open and found ourselves in a toy tossing mood- we shed toys out of her playroom, we gave some away on freecycle, and threw away the not good enough to give away.
We had a good Thanksgiving at my parents-bought the car. WE are looking for the cars radio code, can't find it and the radio will not work until the code is entered. It looks like hubby will have to take the radio out to get the VIN # on the radio to get the radio code. It is a big hassle but nothing that can't be fixed.
Before Thanksgiving. I peeled 10 pounds of potatoes. This is something new post stroke. My stroke hand held the potato while my good hand used the potato peeler. It was a slow process, but I did it!! All by myself!! It created lots of tone in my stroke hand, but it was worth it. The only bad thing is my hubby knows I can really peel potatoes :blush:
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