My new clothes dryer
The delivery ppl delivered our new dryer today. Our old one bit the dust Saturday. I must admit, I had given up hope it would die. It had been fixed and refixed and this time it broke and we didn't want to try to fix it. WE booted it out the door and replaced him. My new one isn't anything fancy, but the dials all work and that is fancy to me!! Did I mention how quiet it is? Or is it that I don't have 5 pairs of little girl jeans clinging and clanging in there??
It came with this attachment that is new to me -never heard of it- a drying rack. You can put shoes or anything that says"no tumble dry" on it. It's crazy how long have these been around?? Maybe I've just been in the dark for so long on dryer advancements??
WOO HOO, no more laundry mat for me until next time, although I liked the fact that I was able to get multiple loads of laundry all done in the time it took to do one load of laundry. I also liked being around "people" although I didn't know anybody. I didn't like feeling vulnerable with my undies out and shining. I didn't fold them though until I got home.
Hopefully this dryer will last us 10 years, until our daughter is 16, wow, that's a thought!
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