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Escaped from Colditz Again



Got my new chair, mixed blessings there. It drives well though the mud I brought inside made me unpopular. The cleaners told me off, there was a trail of mud right down the ward! It is higher though, and when I sit I can't sit back as far. Where I sit myself down is where I stay at rehab (at home the carers re position me as I can't do that well yet) and sitting badly on the coccyx I broke several years ago is painful and getting me down. Wednesday it overwhelmed me and I did say but only 2 of around 10 nurses took note!

Productive week for speech and physio. Physio saw me walking with help using parallel bars. I lack the oomph to get myself standing, my back and torso is weak. Once standing I am pretty good. To work on it I stood in front of a therapist's bed, leaned on my elbows and did squat thrusts, finishing with straightening not using my arms. That went well so we repeated several times and will do it again too.

Frustrating is the Occupational Therapy. I consider it a waste of time to show I can wash and make a coffee, after all for nearly a year I have done them! Work on my arm is very worthwhile though. Driving around in the wheelchair I was assessed as ok to have is not; they want to be sure I can cope but the assessment served that purpose! Oh dear, I'm turning into a grumpy old woman at the ripe old age of 40. Actually, my end of the ward was told off for laughing too loudly one night!


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When my husband was in in-house rehab, the occupational therapy department spent a long time teaching his class of stroke survivors how to use can openers, blenders, coffee pots, toasters, etc. It's like they have one set program for everyone regardless of whether of not they will ever use that stuff or need to learn it. It frustrated me to no end to have them waste therapy dollars on kitchen stuff he'd never done his entire life and hasn't since he left rehab.


We just paid $75.00 to have our carpet cleaned because of wheelchair "tracks" all over the house so I sort of sympathize with the cleaners. I always wash off Don's wheels in the laundry room before he gets to go into the rest of the house and the helps a LOT but it comes with the territory, to track up the places you go. You'll learn to go around the mud and water when possible. Oil on parking lots is the worst. Don gete 'yelled at' if he doesn't pay attention to the oil.


You are doing so well! And laugh all you want. Of all the stupid things to ball out a bunch of patients for!!!!



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I agree with Jean. Haven't they heard that laughing is good for you.

As for tracking mud, you got caught - it went right to your room. LOL! Sorry, just my stupid sense of humor.

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