My genius (but scheming) daughter!
My daughter is a genius! OK! Maybe a evil mastermind & when she's older she may make plans to take over the world, but at the moment it's cute.
Victoria (aka Snowflake) is 7 years old. She's at that stage where her teeth are falling out & the tooth fairy comes etc....
However, MY genius child has decided she doesn't believe any more. But in order to be sure that Mummy & the tooth fairy are one & the same, she decided to put her hypothesis to the test.
Yesterday one of her teeth fell out at school. So when she came home, she didn't tell me about it. Somewhere over the course of the evening, she managed to lose the tooth. Still no word to me.
Here's where the evil mastermind plan comes in....
She decided to write a letter to the tooth fairy explaining that her tooth fell out but that she lost it. However, she still doesn't tell me about it. This way, she figures, she can see if the tooth fairy is omnipotent & will respond to the letter or, if mummy & the toothfairy truly are the same person.
Of course this morning, there was no reply from Ms Fairy nor was there any money under the pillow...
I was never this scheming, bright, call it what you will... This is frightening. I wonder what else she has in store for me..
I'm convinced she doesn't believe in Father Christmas either but isn't saying to hedge her bets & still get presents.
I just have to make sure she doesn't say anything to Libby.
Oh well, Merry Christmas to you all & may Santa bring you all you wish for!
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