Peeling back the layers...
I've noticed recently that little by little I am peeling back the layers that are weighing on my regarding the breakup with Jane. I made a huge leap when I sent her stuff back, along with a 4 page letter, and that worked for awhile. But I noticed now that I've become more comfortable with that place, there are still barriers to cross to be at true peace with everything.
I know I am ready and wanting that peace but I'm still struggling with wanting to know WHY things ended as they did...crazy I know...unreasonable probably too...but that doesn't mean it isn't a struggle within me. I want to let that go and need to figure out a way to do that. Intellectually, what do I know...the usual...I know her fears of intimacy...her difficulties making herself vulnerable to another...blah blah blah... But I'm having trouble reconciling the THursday "I love you I want to move closer to you" and the Saturday "I need space...don't call me or talk to me or my family" What happened in those 48 hours that changed things for her? I suspect more than likely she was very vunerable to suggestion and her sister (who is truly warped) and her therapist (who I think is a hack, now) very likely suggested to her that she didn't need the pressures of a long distance relationship, with someone who had kids. OK...maybe so, but we did have a commitment...a commitment in my book means you work things out through thick and through thin and if you try, and it doesn't work, then that's OK...its time to move on. But she felt her stroke gave her permission to suddenly change her mind and renege on her commitment to me...without trying. You don't just get to "change your mind" when you are in a committed least not without making an attempt to fix what may be wrong.
So then, was it really a commitment? The answer, of course, is no. I realize now that I used the term Partner, and truly meant it. I wanted to include her in all things in my life. She used the term partner but didn't really buy into the concept. What I realize now is that we didn't have a true "partnership"...we didn't live together, didn't have accounts together, didn't own anything together (although she used the royal "we" often when referring to things that were hers...OUR farm in Colorado, etc.), didn't have our legal paperwork together. I realize now that loving someone and having a partnership are TWO different things. Calling it a partnership when it wasn't one in reality is what has led to this sudden betrayal that I felt from her. She could get all the "benefits" of calling someone her partner without any of the hard work. How convenient for her... But that's quintessential Jane...I wish I had just been smart enough to see it but I guess I was also enamored with having my first relationship with a woman...its easy to get blinded by that stuff.
Sooooo...lessons learned...I've already talked with my new girlfriend about this stuff...her name is Shauna, by the way. I told her that I wouldn't call her my partner until which time we took care of all of those paperwork, sharing a home, sharing accounts, sharing a real life together as a unit...then and only then would I call her my partner. She almost went there with the royal "we" the other day and I had to say "NO...that is YOURS..." When I am your partner, then it will be OURS... She got it...and truly accepted that!! So far so good...!! It is so easy to get to that collective feeling but for me now, that collective feeling is meaningless unless there is substance behind it. And maybe there is substance with Shauna...only time will tell, but I'm not going there until I know that for sure.
Here at Kripalu I'm going to be attending a session called "Refilling Your Well" which is about renewing yourself to get ready for the new year. I'm hoping in this time frame to figure out a way to let go of the last layers of hurt I am feeling so I can be open for a bright new year with a wonderful relationship and a great job and life with my kids. That is my intention for the next four days...let go of the spectre of Jane and open my arms to Robyn and the joys of my life even more!!!
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