After Christmas Letdown
I have a genuine affinity for the Holiday Season. I enjoy the spending of time with friends, the good food and conversation around the table, and the activity and gyrations of children playing with all their new stuff. It is, for me, a truly precious time of year.
This year's festivities were a bit different; my first Christmas post-stroke. I spent part of Christmas day with good friends, had the conversation and tasty food, kids running around like chickens with their heads cut off, and all the usual hilarity of that, but I was ready to call it a day much sooner than I used to do.
Those who know me well (and even some who don't) realize I can be fairly chatty. It is sometimes hard for me to let others get a word in edgewise (a bad trait of mine that I am working on). I held my own on Christmas, but found I was drifting off several times into my own private space in my head. This concerned me a bit, so I felt the need to leave early.
I guess I was tired; my body telling me it was shutting down, and I didn't quite recognize it. I have just come off a two day nap. I am still a bit lethargic, and most likely be in bed again in a while.
It's interesting how the body takes over at times. I may feel I have all the gumption in the world, but somehow the body decides that it has had enough. I am sure our medical community has a special name for it, but I will just attribute it to my stroke. Post-Stroke Fatigue maybe? I wonder if there is a special medical code number for it! LOL! :big_grin:
I think I'll lay low for New Years. I'll probably join the party right here in StrokeNet, and enjoy the camaraderie of everybody online.
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