mud's Blog

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I found with practice and a lot of patience i can do enough to say i'm alive and I :Clap-Hands: didn.t quit this month. :Clap-Hands:


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Living and breathing is good. Enjoying life is better but probably a little way down the track. :Clap-Hands:


:welcome: Welcome to the blogging community. It will be nice to learn more about you and your experiences in life.


Sue. :chat:

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Welcome to the blog world, Mud. Not quiting is a good thing to be celebrating here!


Some day I hope you'll explain where your display name came from. "Mud" has had me curious since I first saw it.



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Yes recovery takes both practice and patience. You will find the more you practice, repeat a task.. movement or whatever the easier it will be. My walking improved a great deal in the 2nd year. It is not perfect by any means, but hey I am walking and get from one point to another.. Don't give up ... I found a new "quote" it was in an e mail and Ihave no idea who to give credit to.. it is on my avatar ..


Hang in there, one minute, one hour, one day ... it gets easier and better .....

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