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Yin and Yang



Yin and yang

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Taijitu, the traditional symbol representing the forces of Yin and YangThe concepts of Yin and Yang originate in ancient Chinese philosophy and metaphysics, which describes two primal opposing but complementary forces found in all things in the universe.


Yin (Chinese: 陰/阴; pinyin: yīn; literally "shady place, north slope (hill), south bank (river); cloudy, overcast") is the darker element; it is passive, dark, feminine, downward-seeking, and corresponds to the night.


Yang (陽/阳; y


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hey Yin:


welcome to our blogworld, It will be fun knowing you through your blogs, tell you truthfully initially for your first 2 pragraphs I was confused and wonderingwhat's your point, but finally saw your punchline, so I m all ears to find out more about you and your yang




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I Welcome you and Yang, it's great you two compliment each other so well. Let me be the first to tell you that there are bumps in the road for just about every relationship between human beings. I've had a few legal and not so legal relationships over the years with plenty of bumps and some pot holes as well.


What you have sounds like a beautiful relationship made in heaven. Very seldom do we hear of two survivors together although the question came up a while back about whether you would want a relationship with another stroke survivor or not.


I guess I could be tit and tat having been thru this and that. Just kidding of course, so again welcome to the blog pages and hope to chat with you in the near future.

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I loved reading your blog. My parents who both had dementia but different kinds; my Mom had Alzheimer's and my Dad had Micro-Vascular Dementia. The differences between their dementias made them Yin and Yang for each other.


My Dad, who loved to drive (another looooonnnnggg story) would know where he wanted to go but didn't know how to get there and my Mom, who would navigate. She wouldn't remember where they were going but she knew how to get there.


They were two peas in a pod, who, at times, made me pull my hair out. They were a team and I loved them very much. When they didn't exasperate me, they kept me laughing. Definitely another pair of yin and yang.


You and your Yang are very lucky to have each other. Welcome to our world. I look forward to reading your future blogs. Take Care. LK

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This is great.. You just explained the whole YIN/YANG thing to me and I didn't even have to go the website. Thanks.. We are strong women and will make it.. God saved us for a reason.. I'm just trying to enjoy every day of my life. Right now all the company I need is my dog Lily. Two females hanging out, even if she's not human. I love her as much, maybe more... Sherry :):)

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