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No Pulse....Alive and Well?



I was woken up this morning by the phone,said what I had to and hung up. I came out to the kitchen and made that first yummy cup of coffee and savored the taste. Coffee is one of lifes indulgences that both yang and I wallow in.but I digress. As I was sipping my coffee and I was listening to the silence, a question came to mind about something I haven't given a whole lot of thought to since my early twenties.

I was thinking about feminism, is the movement still alive and well? I'm really curious how it is seen these days in your part of the country. It seems from my recollection of the 70's, that the voices of feminists were loud and strident and many bordered on being militant. Some twenty something years later, I haven't heard those voices, they seem to be quiet.


Has the movement changed tactics? Are they now quietly working towards the same goals? Do the younger ones buy into the thinking as if it is a normal part of their social structure? Or is it a concsious effort on their part to fight against the undercurrents of being treated inequal(sp?) Did all those militant voices dilute the message and grow up and forget about it? Was it just a fad?



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I was brought up in 70s era in third world country(India) by parents where mom was dominant in raising all of her kids, mom made sure her children are all educated well got married in right family, and got great education that we all girls will be able to survive on our own and if need arises support our family, I did engineering in private college where fees were higher, and my uncles telling mom why you are spending so much after girl who is not going to earn any money for you, it will go to her family only, but my mom stood her ground in giving all of us great education and making sure we all reach to our potential, today I am proud daughter, mother and wife, I have married to great guy who is so liberal, so for me feminisim is not a big issue, I want to have great harmony in our home,though I will do things which I feel right for my family,





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I was thinking of this a couple weeks ago.. My grandson had to do an interview for school with a person over 50.... on changes we have seen in our lives.

when I was in high school career choices for women.. were secretary, bookkeeping, working in stores, airline hostess. Even career women who came to the school to talk where from these careers.. not pharmacist, engineers, science fields.


I think now, most girls grow up with more choices... and opportunities for higher education based on their likes, not gender. Big corporations have day cares, job sharing, family leave, etc. Men have changed .. I see more dads caring for babies, helping with shopping, etc. takeing a more active part ... not having to be the "manly man".....



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I have sometimes felt that young women coming up expect the right to move up the ladder and be successful. They don't realize the work and sacrifices that went into assuring equal pay for equal work.


I am currently reading a book (with a 2004 publish date) titled "Love, Money, Control - Reinventing Estate Planning," so I can be sure our estate is managed appropriately to take care of Denny should something happen to me before he dies. Imagine my SHOCK when I read the book and all of the instances and slant of the writing was how a HUSBAND can manage his estate. There was even a section on how to disinherit a wife!


I know the author and have worked with him on a few charity remainder trusts for a non profit with which I was associated. I couldn't believe my eyes reading this book.


So to your question, "Is the movement alive and well?" I don't think so! It appears we still have a great deal of work to do.

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Well thanks for the replies, I find it interesting. It also somewhat reinforces my observations. But mostly my observations included many women from older generations. I'm not exposed to many younger women.


Asha- you are lucky your mom felt as strongly as she did. I also try to temper my feminist leanings with being a good unselfish caring partner. But I do have my bounderies. Suddenly I have a chorus of feminists chanting in my head how dare he treat me like that or see me like that? Ha! Now theres fodder for a new blog entry..... the voices in my head. :big_grin: Wouldn't we all like to know?


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