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cheer mama


Before I launch into this topic let me remind everyone that I am almost 3 years post stroke, I was affected on my left side and I have done as much therapy as my insurance would allow. ( It always makes me sad when I have to quit.) I was lying in bed the other night just before falling asleep and I realized that my arm/hand and leg felt normal. No not "new normal", old normal! My arm and leg were straight and my fingers and toes were relaxed. Yea! This all changes as soon as I laugh, cry, sneeze or almost anything else. Personally I still think that new normal sucks.

I don't blog much about my deficits because I don't believe in dwelling on the negative. As someone else advised I have tried to use my anger and frustration to help me get better.

I'm so sorry to hear of survivors troubles with driving. I also drive and I always worry when I get behind the wheel. I don't usually go far and I still don't like to go out by myself.

I would like to thank everyone for their unending support and encouragement. I have been inspired to resume my home therapy. Without someone here reminding me to do my exercises it is very hard to force mysef to do them. I always have to remind therapists that most regular people don't exercise by themselves at home.

I will strive to have more of these "normal" moments or at least to recognize them and appreciate them.

I am (or was) a quilter and I would appreciate some advice on resuming sewing. I have done some and the two things I need help with are motivation and rotary cutting. I have found ways to cook and adapt to new techniques and to new equipment. I think my motivation problems might be due to the stroke. I heard that the right brain damage might affect creativity. As to the rotary cutting, I haven't found a way to adapt that is safe and retains accuracy.

So, for all of you out in blogland I wish you normal, new or old.




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Thanks! Now I have a "reason" for my lack of motivation! Its stroke-related! LOL


I know lack of motivation is my enemy. If I don't keep my body moving, then I am in for several lousy days. Its my own fault. Take Care. LK

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hey Marden:

I am glad you are doing great in your new or old normal, fact that you are writing about sewing you want to do, I am sure you will find a way to adapt, I was never creative before my stroke, I was more of analytical person(being engineer) proves it, I guess, so I tell hubby for me I haven't lost which I had before except my left side of body or left hand, which evidently never used that much as it is.




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You have inspired me. I keep hearing and try to always believe myself that there is continued hope of additional recovery past the " year mark". I am 2 years post and have yet to feel the "normal type" sensations you were talking about. I dream about them but haven't actually had them. I have had to learn

patience....but it's tough lol. Here's to more sensations :beer:


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Have you checked out our Disability Sports and Hobbies forum on the message board? There are some ideas posted there on one-handed sewing and quilting.



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I crochet again.. but I did regain most of the use of my left hand.. the only problem I have is with the ring and pinky finger. they don't work very well.. and my hand at times will decide to open.. and I drop stuff.


With crocheting I only need my left hand for the yarn to run through, they also have a plastic thing that goes on and holds the yarn. It is called a knitting thimble and will hold several strands.


We had a lady on the board that does one handed quilting.. the topic is now in Disability Sports and hobbies, you could probably pm or e mail her for more directions ...


Yes motivation can be a problem.. I do get going, but sometimes it takes.. prodding myslef some..

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