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Doggie Tails



I cannot imagine life without a canine buddy. They seem to know what is up before you do. They snuggle and stay by your side, they live to be adored by you and will offer their life to protect yours. They are there for you when everything else is wrong. Their only wish is to have your unconditional love - the same as they give you. I feel sorry for anyone who has not experienced the unconditional love of a canine buddy.


We have two, one is a 85 pound baby and the other a 25 pound little toughie. Gem the little one is mine and will prance around Punk trying to get him motivated to play with her, and when they do it is so funny. This huge dog being wrestled by Gem, laying on his back allowing her to nip and nibble. When it is his turn he will open his big jaw wide and engulfs her head inside his mouth (yes, I panicked the first time I watched this), but he only licks and nuzzles her head. They play tug of war and race around playing tag. Sometimes when they play a squeak will come out of Gem and Punk will jump up panicked that he has hurt her, when in reality he may have just rolled onto her foot but the look on his face is total concern for his little playmate. Gem has become Punks messenger, if he wants something she will pace back and forth in front of us until she has our attention and then race to Punk - its very cute.


Gem came into my life a month before I got sick. Every weekend I searched SPCA websites in BC for a small dog who was big enough and tough enough to be a buddy to Punk, but small enough to snuggle next to me in my chair. It took well over six months but one day there she was. I talked to the shelter people and asked if they thought she would mix well with Punk, and they reassured me she would, as she was outside playing with the rotties and shepards. I still had some concerns as I could not meet her, as she was in a shelter in Northern BC and would have to be flown down.


I thought about it carefully and decided to take a chance on a dog I had not met. I filled out all the paperwork, paid the fee and waited eargerly until the day she was to arrive at the Vancouver Airport. The day arrived and I went to the airport anxiously awaiting her flight to arrive and when it did there was no Gem.


The airline attendent called and confirmed she was on the flight, then called the airport where the plane had made a stop, sure enough Gem was there, apparently a new ground crew had taken her off and forgot to put her back on the plane. One of the attendents took her home that night and brought her back the next day to continue her journey to her new home. Can you imagine what was going through the mind of this little dog, after spending time in the shelter, being put on board an airplane, being taken home by a nice lady and then being put on yet another plane?


Gem arrived the next day and as we drove home I fell in love with her, so patient, so calm, so accepting. We got home and the plan was to introduce the dogs in the backyard. Well, Gem spotted one of Punks Kongs and ran to it - Punk saw this and was not impressed, not a great first meeting. We spent the next couple of weeks keeping them apart unless we were all together, and even then we would only let them be in the same room, hoping Gem would go over to meet Punk. After awhile Punk had had enough and came over to my chair, gave Gem a big sloppy kiss and they were in love and have been best friends ever since.


It never ceases to amaze me how two dogs can be so different yet so good together. Punk the big baby who is afraid of storms, does not like the rain, who must be covered up with a blanket to sleep so he does not get cold, and Gem the little one who will lay outside in the rain as happy as can be, doesn't blink an eye at a storm and will sleep anywhere on anything as long as I am near. One has always had everything and one has been through a hard time and is happy to just have love.


The saying that 'A Dog is a Mans Best Friend' is certainly true for me.


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I've had dogs growing up all the time. When I moved and bought a house it was so empty without a dog. It took 4 years for me to buy a dog. At the time my ex and I worked all the time so it wasn't fair for a dog. When me and my ex had different jobs I bought a dog called "Budweiser". When we separated I took Bud because i'm home all the time because I can't work. It worked out better for Bud to stay with me. My ex comes by to see Bud and he is happy.


A dog takes out that empty fealing. They are the best friend ever.



Bill :Clap-Hands:

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Great 'dog' story, Dickons. I honesty don't think I could live without a dog in the house. I wish I could have two. I don't trust anyone my dog doesn't trust.



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Hi Dickons.. LOL We have 6 dogs. 2 were rescued. We have 2 large breeds and 4 small. You can guess who rules the "roost" here.


Our Aussie mix often has one of the small dogs head in her mouth too.. It was alarming at first.. but all they end up with is a slobbery head..lol


They are so much fun to watch them interact with each other. And definately lots of snuggles and love here.


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I've had dogs all my life. I love them. We have had some terrific dogs in our time. This is the first time I fiind myself without a dog. I go to websites for dogs who want homes and I drool on the website. One day, I will be able to get a dog. I want a dog who is a couple years old so I don't have to go through housebreaking it. I want a big dog so I know when I put my arms around him to give him a hug, I know I am hugging a dog. One day I will be able to have a dog, I hope its soon. Right now, we have a plethora of cats (3) and one little dog who is completely blind. I think he is very old and when we all have nothing more to do, we debate about his age. He was brought home from SPCA and they didn't know how old he was then.
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I love everyones comments, dogs truly bring out the best in people. I credit my two for keeping my spirits up through the ups and downs that go with being a survivor.


Bill - your Bud sounds like he is well named and doubly loved.


Bonnie - wow your days must be filled with pure joy watching them. I had a Blue Heeler X and if that is the Aussie mix they are totally amazing dogs in just about every way.


Kalkring - you will get your dog when the right one is waiting for you to adopt - I truly believe that happens.




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I am a major dog lover myself. I can't imgaine my life without the 3 1/2 pound ferocious beast. He may be small but he has a big big personality and heart.

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