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Thanks for the encouragement. All is about the same through this week. Well, the near blizzard we had here cancelled out all appointments so we are re-scheduled for 2/19/07 to see Keiths Dr. about his foot and leg swelling. Fortunately Presidents day is a holiday for me so I wont have to scramble from work to home to pick up Keith and then on to Dr. office as usual. I am trying to find a way to reduce Keiths weight a little. Not that it is extreme but he has gotten a pretty good tummy going on now from being sedentary so I am working with his diet and hopefully more movement to get that belly down. He really likes his Pepsi so i am easing him into diet Pepsi. I have turned to steaming his veggies but he is rather picky about veggies, always has been. Anyway, very little has changed this past week- just looking forward to spring and getting us both outside in garden and fresh air.


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Thanks for the update. Good hearing from you. I have the same 'problem' with Don's weight creeping up. I'm going to try to get him in the YMCA pool in the spring. Exercise is easier in water and the Y has a lift to get him down in the pool.



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Thanks Jean, This weight thing is a little tough because Keith can be a real bear about what he will eat or not eat. That YMCA sounds like a very good idea. I think I will check into to that too. Take care. Ted

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Don's main hobby now that's he's in a wheelchair is eating. He eats like he's still doing a lot of manual labor to work it off. It's really hard to be the food police, isn't it, when so much has been taken away from our guys already.



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Oh I know what you mean Jean. It is so difficult to keep the weight down. I began introducing Keith to steamed veggies. I cant say that I always have a great deal of luck because he goes right for the mac and cheese first. My own diet has always been virtually vegetarian and I have steamed for years. keith has always been picky about veggies. I am big on having him eat leafy green veg but you can imagine what a chore that is. He drinks an awful lot of pepsi and I am getting him eased into the diet kind but of course that increases his salt intake. How long ago did Don have the stroke? And is his weight gain pretty much?

Is he finnicky about what he likes? I have keith take a multi-vitamin everyday just to make sure I am shoring up his nutrition. It is so hard to motivate Keith to move about more on his own. I work all day and when I get home each day there is so much to do just to keep the household running let alone get the old boy up and moving. I am sure you know what I am talking about. It can be exhausting. Anyway, we do what we can. See Ya.

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Don had his stroke almost seven years ago and at the time he lost forty pounds while in the hospital. He kept it off for a year or two but it's creep back to where he needs to loss twenty pounds now. I'm afraid that if he gains any more his transfers will suffer and, of course, that means a quality of life change for both of us if he can no longer do independent transfers in and out of his wheelchair.


There aren't many foods he won't eat to answer your question. Our biggest problem food wise is that we go to restaurants 3-4 times a week. He's a very social guy with a 25 word vocabulary and a world of facial expression to go along with his aphasia and eating out his favorite recreation. I hate to be the bad guy and be the food police when he's in his element in public.


If you ever want to read our story in an nutshell, here's a link: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1...ed_my_life.html


I don't have to work outside the home and I really feel for you having to hold down a job AND do the caregiver role which can be exhausting in itself. Plus we both know who has to keep up the household, bills, etc.


Don't forget we are all here for YOU as well as for Keith. Your ups and downs are just as important as his.



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I understand completely. Sometimes it becomes almost overwhelming

and I have to leave the room to pull it all back together. We do about

1 1/2 hr range of motion every night seven days a week. Some nights

his arm is really stiff and shoo-ee that can really wear you out. There

were several occaisions where he didnt want to go on I think that has

been the hardest to deal with. But, all I know to do is keep talking and

trying to find things to give him meaning. There are times when I have

to laugh at myself because it can all become too serious. I know you

realize exactly what I am saying. I really appreciate your sharing your

experiences. I will read your story. Take good care of yourself.

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