yin's Blog

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I have tried to blog multiple times, but delete the entry as I don't like how I end up sounding. Things are going well in our little corner of As the Stroke World Turns. Yang and I are residing as renters in our dream home until we can clear up the minor details of not being fully divorced from our X spouses. It would seem that the state we reside in really frowns on buying real estate with someone who is not ones legal spouse or that we already have what they consider "legal" spouses. I know we cannot be the first ones to try to attempt this feat. But it will all work out. But moving post stroke sure sucks. But the end result is worth all the stress and exhaustion.


February 1st marked Yang and mine first year anniversary together. It has been a super charged event filled year though. He promised I'd never be bored and he lived up to his word. I do my part by planning picnics on the floor in front of the fireplace and eating hot dogs. I get a feeling I should be planning better elegant fare, like wine and cheese or something a bit more grown up, so I added Mac and cheese to eat with the hot dogs. I've never had a real working fireplace before, so I am just loving using this one.


Spring seems to be arriving here in the south and I couldn't be more delighted to see spring in February. I'm a transplanted yankee and where I come from there is still 8 inches of snow on the ground with more in the forecast. I like the snow we got last weekend, it was beautiful, pristine and white and covered everything, it was gone and melted by noon. How cool is that??? The snow disappears here while it is still pretty and white, not nasty and dirty. Yesterday it got into the 70's and the sun was shining. I noticed the daffadills were up a few inches already. I think March will be a great month, not like other years with a bad case of cabin fever from being house bound because of the ice and snow. Besides we got huge plans to carry out when spring is permanently here. Yang wants to build a gazebo on the deck cause I'm informed that outdoor living is a major part of southern living. Suits me just fine. I have half formulated plans dancing in my head for designing an outdoor kitchen area.( Not for me but for Yang)

Seems I have to cut this short. Yang is waiting to put the movie Babel on.



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Hey Yin--I am glad to hear Spring is coming to your area. That means it will arrive sometime where I am. Right now, I am thinking daffodils in hopes that this vision will pull Spring along a bit faster. I am really depending on "Putawny" (sp?) groundhog's prediction that Spring will be here in about (4) more weeks. I count the days! Take Care. LK


PS: I love a fireplace and outdoor living in the Spring and Summer. It feels so elegant.

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hey Yin & Yang


Happy first anniversary, your writings and thoughts remind me of one very good friend I made here on strokenet. I miss her terribly so keep on blogging more often such that I don't miss her so much, I like your Yang's idea of cooking and staying outdoors in summer, and your romantic dinner infront of fireplace, you both r lucky to have each other in their life



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