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Glad Friday is in a few hours..



Well it has been a bit challenging the last couple weeks. First an ear infection that tried to knock me on my keister... literally. My balance is not always 100% to begin with, but with one ear clogged and shooting pains, I was tripping over air and my own feet. Well thankfully that is in the past now.


We have had the material for the new floors for the kitchen, laundry and the small bathroom off the laundry room. Since they all run into each other i wanted the same flooring.


John started the floor just before Thanksgiving. He has plantar fascitis and something weird in his achellies tendon. So it has been hard for him to be down on his knees putting in "lock together" flooring. It is a random stone look but the grout lines need to line up and it is hard to snap in. My son in law came out. He is off work for a week. He got the laundry room and small bath finished. He was having problems in the kitchen trying to get it to line up and snap in.


We also got a "new" (used) dishwasher. He didn't get the kitchen finished.. So right now my stove and part of the base cabinets are in the dining room. Hopefully we will get it finished this weekend. Then I can go through the cabinets, wash everything down and re organize the base cabinets. We have top cabinets to put in and then I can start painting.. hopefully with daughter's help. I am planning on a "french country look" a fresh new look in the kitchen. The wall paper came with the place and I didn't like it then..lol



Well I didn't have to worry about dinner tonight before or during chat...lol no stove hooked up to cook on..


We do have the microwave.. and no worries No one is this house starves..lol


Molly one of our minature pinschers picks up her bowl and chews on it or makes sure YOU notice she is carrying it around..... hint hint hint.. hey mom.



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hey Bonnie:


your home improvements are inspiring me to start ome painting projects in our house, though hubby will hate it. hey I can blame it on you




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Hey Bonnie,

My dog steps on her bowl so it flips on it's side, then she rolls it around. The funny thing is she isn't neccesarily hungry or thirtsy. She just wants to make sure it is full for when she is.


I hope the makeover goes well, what color will you paint the walls?


Take Care, glad the ear infection is better!


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Glad to hear ear infection is gone. Also, your rennovations sound fantastic. A dear friend of mine from back home recently went through same thing as her hubby was "redoing" rooms in their house.

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God love dogs; they know how to look out for themselves (LOL) as well as their people.


I'm also glad your ear infection is better. No fun being "drunk"



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Hi the kitcehn walls will be a warm butter cream yellow.


I plan on painting the cabnets a yellow and the washing them with a country blue glaze, then wiping/sandper some of the blue glaze off.. so they have the worn/used country look, and then putting on a clear finish for protection and cleaning.


So mainly yellow and blue.. have a set of tiles for behind the stove.. it is a fruit basket with different fruit. have white tiles for the back splash and have some random tiles of the fruit in the basket.



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Dear Bonnie--

I loved the story about your dog.


My first dog was a Labrador Retriever. Our family kept a boat at the "Gas Dock." My dog, Chloe, was fed on-the-dot at 6:00pm every night. I would mix her food and then walk it out to the "Gas Dock," and put it down.


When she was finished w/ her supper, she would bring her dish back w/ her. Yes, I trained her that way. The people, our fellow boaters, loved it. Take Care. LK

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Bonnie your project sounds like something my hubby and I used to do together,but since his stoke he cannot remember how to do some stuff.. It is slowly coming back and I am hoping that this year we will be able to finish the things we couldn't get done before his stroke...It will be 5 years in June since his stroke and he still continues to improve... I said I would wait for him to do some of the things he can and then hire the rest.. It is nearly impossible to get any help as there is a shortage of labor here so you just have to wait.. We are not used to that cause we used to do all that ourselves..His confidence has improved and he is so much more positive even though he is still quite trying at times...Sometimes he doesn't understand the meaning of the spoken word but now he tells me that he is confused.. A very big step in our lives...good luck with your decorating, I have lots to do too..

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Hi lady -

Glad you are feeling better - ear infections are a pain - I was hospitalized for one last year - ick!

Wow on the renovations! Sounds great - I like the french country look too. I'd love to have a do-over on my kitchen - it's a 1930's type with no installed cabinets at all and we still have the original electric stove where you have the oven on one side and a storage pullout bin on the other! We have a free-standing dish cupboard (they have a name for them but I can't remember - it's not a pie cupboard) and I've added one of those tall microwave stands plus a pullout starage for cans that fits right beside the frig. I wish my hubby were handy but he told me when we met that "he wasn't a handyman and didn't plan on being one!" So, we save up money until can pay for a hanfyman to do stuff.


You'll have to post pictures after you are done - I'm excited to see it!

Again - so glad to hear that you are feelng better :Clap-Hands:

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