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the other people in my house



believe it or not there are other people in my house


danny husband age 36


bryon son age 8


james son age 5


these are the other people who live in my house


these are the people who listen to me cry when my mother frustrates me


these are the people who wait patiently while i do the things i need to do with my mom


these are the people i feel most sorry for


the ones that suffer the most when i cannot cope with the responsibilities i have taken on


my husband who i never even consulted about my mom moving in to our home


my husband who has done more for my mom then any other family member combined


my husband who holds my hand and lets me cry and protects me when I drop my basket ever so often


my son bryon age 8 who misses the grandma he had before she hurt her brain the most


my son bryon who comes home from school and sits in the tv room downstairs until i get home from work just in case grandma needs something and to let her know she isnt alone


my son bryon who can explain better then any doctor what happened to his best buddy


grandma fell and hurt her brain and now she says tuway that is it


my son james age 5 who doesnt really remember the grandma he had before she said tuway


my son james who goes downstairs and crawls around under her hospital bed and has conversations with her


my son james who helps give grandma her squishy pills every night before he goes to bed


my rocks my joys my reasons for getting up out of bed everyday


the other people who live in my house


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Those supporting, caring husband's are worth their weight in gold, aren't they. I had one of those in Don when I share-cared my dad and I supported Don the same way when his mom needed us.


You sons sound like special kids.



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What a wonderful family you have. I am so glad you are not going through this alone. You are right, though, this affects every member of your family. I hope you all get through this soon. I know it is only with grace that we can travel this long road. Please know your best is good enough. Keep reminding yourself and don't be hard on yourself. You are doing the best you can and somewhere, your mother appreciates what you do for her. Think of when she was your "real" mom. What would she have said to you? She would be grateful and her heart full of love for all that you do. Take Care. LK
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It is so true that stroke affects so many more than just the patient. You are blessed to have the support of your hubby and sons. It is just as difficult for them as it is for you. I'm sure, if she could tell you herself, your Mom would fill your day with accolades as well as hugs and kisses for what you are doing for her.


Angels are not just in Heaven - sounds to me like you're an Angel here on Earth. :cloud9:

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