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Been A While



It's been a while since the last post because there's really nothing "new and exciting". There's still nothing new OR exciting.


Sam's been doing well with the speech therapy at the college. The therapist got the hang of things and is doing a great job. Sam likes it, and has been doing her "homework" regularly. It motivates her and she is showing some improvement. I can tell the difference on the phone. I understand a lot more and we can almost have a normal conversation when I'm at work. When I'm home it's easier because I can see her and that makes communication easier.


Went out fishing a couple times, but didn't realy do all that well. Sam got a few crappie on her minnows. We expected more, but she only got 5 one day, and 2 the next. I won't tell you how many I didn't get.


I'm now in wonderful Windsor, Ontario. We got a contract to run from Windsor to Valencia, Venezuela to pick up aluminum rims for the Chrysler plant up here. It's 5 hours down, 2 on the ground, and 5 back. Makes for a long day. Nice hotel here in Windsor though. Right on the Detroit River. I'm looking at the GM building as I write this. Beautiful waterfront park along the river. I'm glad I learned to speak Canadian. "Another Blue, Eh." Time to go practice. Don't have to work until Monday morning. Y'all "Take Off". (Eh!)


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Eh? If you are in the state of Queensland you put that on the end of every sentence, you also have to slow down and drawl a bit. Here in New South Wales we are all a little more sophisticated...lol.


I am sure you will get on okay in Canada, have some 1st cousins there, and my Dad's last brother, and a few third and fourth cousins as well. I would love to catch up with them, maybe some day.


Your fishing expeditions remind me how much I like fishing too, but since Ray has been mostly in the wheelchair have put it out of my mind, maybe I should find a spot that is wheelchair friendly and do some early summer next year. I used to be good at catching bream, which are a nice sweet fish here.


Ah to travel the world. Some people have all the luck, eh?



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Glad you checked in and gave us and up date. Really happy to hear Sam's speech is improving and her and she is motivated.


Take care "eh"

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