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The plot thickens...



:Clap-Hands: Hey everbody.. You all know I'm going thru divorce and have cried a river of tears. Well, not anymore. I'll tell you why...


Last night my neighbor, whom I've never met was outside talking to my Mom. I was wondering what they had to talk about... Mom said he wanted to talk to me, had been trying for about 1 month. He came inside and I had the shock of my life. My husband Terry was having an affair with his wife Michelle. I was stunned!! I cried buckets of tears for him FOR OVER A MONTH FOR HIM. I Had been healing pretty well. Feeling like my old self again. Boy, did he fool me.


I noticed weird things in his behavior prior to this. He walks to a friends house every morning to visit. One particular morning he "put cologne on". I questioned him and he stated he just wanted to smell good. I never questioned him after that. I asked alot "Are you with another woman behind my back", and he said "No" everytime. His whole family said he has never been a cheater.


When I found out I wanted to confront him, so I called and asked "is there anything you want to tell me?" He said "No". I said well, her husband is standing in my yard right now. I don't want to bore you with all the details, but it got "ugly". Even worse was the fact that his sister "let her brother and she live with them. OUCH... Well, they just got "thrown out" yesterday. I don't know what happened, don't want to... I was mad at my sister-in-law first, but now miss my nieces and nephews and want to continue contact.


He has no idea with what I'm going to hit him with in court. Justice is gonna feel good... Well, this is the story about my life recently. I hope you enjoyed it. I'm doing something new everyday, pushing myself. Now I am able to vacuum the floors without using the right hand. The house is so clean with him gone. And it was all done by a disabled woman who can't use her right arm... Hugs to everyone...




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Hey Sherry.

Know what I noticed about you in your blog entry? You are one strong capable woman. You should be proud of yourself that you have risen to the challenge and you're still in there swinging. The term rock comes to mind.

You go girl!


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:wtg: :You-Rock: Yes you do Girl!!! I never wanted to write the possibility of him cheating but believe me I thought it!! Were you friends with Michelle? You and her hubby have alot in common. I hope you can "get" him in court but good! I hate pond scum like that.

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Anger can be a great motivator! Congratulations on the use of your arm!


I hope you feel totally unburdened that his behavior has nothing to do w/ you but its about problems he has. Pity the poor woman who finds him in her arms, she deserves everything she gets. But don't waste too much pity, you have a wonderful life to live and its waiting for you to take it the tail! Take Care. LK

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