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The Month Of March



The month of March was particularly difficult for me. I'm not sure why now, but I guess it's all a part of "The Plan."


CPS was the major factor for most of the month. I am finding that flareups occur with changing weather, and there is usually much of that in the spring. Though it kept me aware that I have this issue, I didn't slow down too much from my normal post-stroke life.


Then I started feeling poorly a little over a week ago. I was at church when I realized something happened. It was in the middle of the worship music when I found trouble singing. I have had no real speech deficits with my stroke; only when I'm tired. This episode occurred when well rested and feeling fairly good. When my friends came to get me from the disabled area after service, they noticed something wrong. We bolted fast and they got me out of there.


I had recovered some in the car, and requested to go home. That was probably a mistake in hindsight, but I didn't remember them asking me whether I wanted to get to the hospital. I told them no. Since then, my friends have been instructed by a lucid me, to ignore what I say and get me medical help, if this should happen again in the future.


The diagnosis of what occurred is vague (I eventually went to the doctor), but it was believed to be a TIA. I am back on thinners again for the time being. Though I hate them, I would rather be safe. I took Lovenox shots for a few days until the Coumadin did it's magic. I was pretty sure my PFO was the main culprit in my stroke, so I was surprised when they said a TIA may have been the issue. I get more blood test results in a few days to see if there any other factors that have just popped up. In the meantime, I am home, my speech has almost returned to normal, and I feel pretty well.


Life throws you curves at times, and though this put a bit of a fright in me originally, I seem to be taking this in stride. That surprised me too. My spirits are up and I am determined to keep going; within limits of course.


I added some new music to my Internet Radio Station. Azrabbit (Ellen) from the boards here, sent me a CD of music from her niece's boyfriend, and I was able to add a few selections from it. I have picked up some new music from the Internet and bought a few new CD's. I have some music coming from a company, once a month, that cull new releases from artists, and sends them out to radio stations for free. My library is getting larger all the time. This has been a fun project; one that I wouldn't have even thought of if I was working full time.


I need to take a break here, and get back in a bit to host chat. It was good to spend some time in here today; much more than I have in some time.


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hey Bob:


have you considered closing your PFO with catherization procedure, it's most noninvasive and riskfree operation, and you get so much out of it, no more worries for TIAs or stroke again.


mine we closed 6 months after my stroke, and since then I have no need to worry about anything, I am going to play with my grandkids.




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As I mentioned, my PFO was closed with 100% closure, which I understand is a little rare. I am grateful for that procedure, however, there must be something they still need to find. Hopefully the blood tests will find something and I can get on with life. Still, I am encouraged it was not worse, and that is a blessing.

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Glad to hear the lucid you discussed with your friends what to do should this occur again. I've been meaning to let you know too that I have tuned into your station; I like it alot. You've done a fantastic job with it.

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Gosh Bob, that must have been a scary time. I am glad you have such good friends. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

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