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Puppy name announced today!



Just a bit more on the active release. Shoulder pain is way down. Stopped one muscle relaxer completely, cut other one by 1/3, plan to phase it out over next few weeks. Upper arm a bit tight in mornings, but stiffness goes away with a bit of exercise. Good reminder. Next treatment is Thursday. Talked to my OT in Duluth today, she is interested in learning Active Release. Don't know if a sublaxated shoulder would rule this treatment out Vi, I would ask an Active Release therapist.


We are off to Bemidji, Minnesota today to see the new puppy. Can't bring him home, but Lesley just can't wait to see him.


We have considered all the great names suggested here and the names of my previous dogs. All sound neat, but we are only getting one dog (for now anyway).


And the winner of the "Name the puppy contest" is: ta ta!! Dickons! We both found the name "Tippy" catchy and cute, so "Tippy" he shall be.


And your prize Dickons: ta ta!! A hearty Thank You!! And an autographed picture just for you when available.


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cute name, my son has ben after us with all emotional blackmail about he wanting dog.I am trying to do deaf ear but it has been hard




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Hi George,


Wow! this is so cool - kind of like being part of getting a new puppy. I can't wait so see pictures.


I love dogs so much. I had angina in the night and my little Gem was right there with me, keeping me company while the nitro kicked in. I feel very strongly that pets give far more to us than we give them, they are so very special.




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Can't wait to see pics of Tippy. He can be our mascot! Of course, that's after you and Lesley have properly trained him lol! I have to make sure kiddo doesn't read any blogs regarding Tippy as she's whiny about wanting a dog too. :big_grin:

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Pray tell: What kind of dog? Its so cool you are getting a dog. I have had dogs all my life, some for whom legends were made. When the town I grew up in was debating to have a leash law for dogs, my dog was the example of why we didn't need a leash law.


The town commissioners were coming out of their meeting and as the (one) town cop was helping one of the ladies into her car, she spotted Chloe, my dog, and said to the cop, "That dog is NOT on a leash. The cop turned around, saw it was my Dad and my dog and turned to the lady and said, "If all the dogs in Oxford were like that dog, we wouldn't need a leash law.


I trained Chloe to stay in the yard and "heel" when we walked her around town. The people got a big kick out her when my Dad would walk up to the confectionery store and buy the paper. He would walk w/ Chloe and she would sit and stay outside the store while my Dad bought the paper. He'd come back outside, hand her the paper and she'd walk home w/ it in her mouth.


I want a dog now but I have to wait until I am stronger. Now we are a house full of (3) cats, one of whom is Clea, who is very happy there are no real dogs (there is "Trouble," a very old and blind dog but the cats know he is safe). I want a real dog that is big enough I can hug. It will come. In the meantime, pls keep us informed about your dog. I can't wait to hear more. Welcome, Tippy! Take Care. LK

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Glad to hear the news of your arm. YEAH :Clap-Hands: :You-Rock:


My husband had a dog named Tipper when he was young.


We have 6 dogs here (LOL) and a cat.. a couple of our dogs were rescued.


Right now 2 are on the chair with me as I type. (4 small ones and 2 large ones..)


Will be looking for photos of Tippy..

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