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The Wonder of Life



A condo is going up practically right outside my window. Normally I would be miffed because the design is such that I can't help but see into the neighbors' lives. I can see everything. It seems this happened so fast. How very fast time flies.


Well, its Spring, so what should I expect? Of course a condo would be going up outside my window. The birds are singing and their finding their mates...or moving back North w/ their mates to build their summer homes. This is what is happening outside my window. Yes, it is a condo. I'll start at the beginning, which means this may be a long story. When I go off on a tangent, my friends say, "Ohhh, here we go again..." But you all hardly know me, so I have a captive audience.


All winter long, there was a bird's nest outside my window. I kept waiting w/ anticipation for the birds to come and re-occupy this dwelling. As Spring drew nigh, I kept a close eye out. I couldn't see any occupants and I really need to get a cheap pair of binoculars so I can get really nosy.


Then one day, I looked out and the nest was gone. In our house, we have a strange lifeform living amongst us, known as a teenager and a boy to boot. I figured this lifeform, as most male lifeforms of this sort would do, knocked the nest off the rafter. These lifeforms seem to be very curious creatures and this is how they figure out how things work.


But I was wrong. The big, fat robin knocked the nest off the rafter and built a new one where the old one existed. He (would it be a "he?") flew around and found interesting items to incorporate into his design. He found a long blue ribbon which my young son had made up for the amusement of the cat. Then he found a couple of rubber bands to add to his design. These are normal rubber bands that we use to amuse said cat as the cat likes to retrieve. His nest was constructed in little over a day. The next day, I found a bird occupying the nest, as did the cats who reside in our house. My chair and my window are now very popular w/ the feline population.


The next day, as I was sitting reading a book, I looked up and saw another robin making a nest in the next rafter section. Two nests make a condominium. This nest was constructed in short order, as well. The bird started in the evening and by the next morning, the nest was fully constructed.


Around 10:00 am, the two robins were in their nests and somehow figured someone was too close for comfort and the birds fought in flight. It was quite something to see. Now I don't know what will happen. It seems the first nest is still occupied but I can't see that anything is happening in the second nest. I really need to get those cheap binoculars...


Calcified Aneurysm


The last week I've been in a state. Well, to put it truthfully, I've been in a couple of states. I have chosen to remain in the state of wonder.


A few weeks ago, I went for an MRI and an MRA. The results were returned to my dr. The gist of the results are simple. I have an aneurysm on my brain stem but the the aneurysm is calcified. This is the wonder of life. My life. I'm here. Let me explain.


The calcification is a good thing. It hardens the aneurysm and therefore keeps it from rupturing. This has been present in my brain for quite some time. So, I presume if I had a blood clot stroke in my brain stem, I wouldn't be here now as that would have been more like an explosion. But I didn't have that. I had a bleed. It is also the thing that keeps me alive.


So now I know why I never won the lottery or won any sweepstakes or why Michael Anthony never rang my doorbell (he delivered the million dollars to the winners on a show called "The Millionaire". Some of you are too young to know what I'm talking about). This may also prove my theory that I experienced the ultimate rejection: The devil didn't want me and the Lord wouldn't have me. I was never much on winning popularity contests. Out of the contests I could have won, I would have chosen this one.


More to the point, I don't know the answers to the mystery of life so the only thing I can say is to thank you to all my friends and family for their prayers and thoughts for my well being. If this is the answer, it is a powerful thing. Thank you.


It is the Wonder of Life...







Recommended Comments

The wonder of life......includes the wonder of you!!!!! We are so fortunate to have you among us, spreading your words of wisdom. Your "construction" story had me going for a bit - guess the damaged brain cells are in control today. I look forward to seeing robins again in Pennsylvania. Didn't think I'd miss those little birds but I do. Never knew they were that creative with their nesting material....or maybe the normally dominate brain cells did but didn't tell the others. :big_grin:

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Wouldn't it be nice to build a condo that fast... Just think the prices would be a lot lower if we could use recycled material like that. I guess we should be looking at the birds for the answers to how to save the universe. My hubby and I used to build a house in three months and move in, sometimes minus a few of the conveniences which took a while to install as there was always more pressing things on the agenda.. Like no kitchen cupboards and no kitchen sink even the back door was missing once.. We even had to live on plywood many a time before the floor covering was installed.. All in all it has been an interesting life of construction and I wouldn't trade it for anything else.. It is so hard now as my once very talented man is now unable to do the designing he could before his stroke ... But God willing, things seem to be coming back and he is now able to do a bit more and has a bit more energy... I also have a lot less energy so I guess time is catching up to us for all the hard work we did [actually workaholics] Three o'clock in the morning kids... nice and quiet a that time of nite/// Must have been nuts

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What a wonderful blog, love the story of the robins and the condo. I am also very pleased that you have found out more about the calified aneurysm and that it has put to rest a big concern.


Kind regards,


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Hi Anna


Great blog post!


Keep blogging. Your stroke dosn't appear to have deterred your creative ability.




smiles :)



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