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Getting on my soap-box!



There aren't many things that make me get on my soapbox...but this is one of them!


I was standing in line at Walgreens to ask the pharmacist a question. There was a woman in front of me who was picking up her perscription. I was not trying to listen, but it was impossiblel to avoid. When the guy told her the total, she asked him, "Isn't it covered?" He told her that some things just weren't covered by whatever insurance it was that she had. She responded with, "Well, I guess I will will hold off on that one and get it later." She stuck her hands in her pocket and walked away. This makes me mad. Prescriptions should not be a privelege, and neither should good health care. Taking care of your health or someone elses health should not be something limited to people who can afford it.


I have never understood how this makes sense at all! I teach in a very rural community. Many of students rely on us at school for their nutrition and their health care. These are the people I worry about the most. What are they supposed to do during the summer?


I am just frustrated with the system of health care in america, and I have been thinking about it a lot since we were signing up for our supplemental insurance policies at work yesterday.


Sorry...this was just something I had to get out of my system!


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This is why America is still one of the best country to live in where we do have considerate people like you, I see another activist getting born right here on strokenet, decent healthcare for everyone.




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I 2nd that motion - decent health care for all! I'm petrified about mine as I'm currently on Medicaid and switching over to Medicare next month.

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Guest lwisman


I agree that medical care needs to be more affordable. There was a really good letter to the editor in the NY Times last week. It was from a doctor. He is afraid that things will have to get much worse before they get better. The system may have to totally collapse before anything is done about it.


There is still too much money to be made by pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies.


The state of Illinois has just announced that they are going to have to cut back on low cost coverage because the federal government is not forth coming with money. The state is already covering things the federal government used to be responsible for.


One no brainer step is to pull out of Iraq. That money could be spent much more wisely.

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