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about me



Hi I am Natasha. I live in Bethany,Okla.I live with my Mother (53) and my 16 year old Brother.I am 27 years old. I like to hang out with friends. My bro wrestles and plays football. He is a soph in high school. I am getting back to doing my counting cross stitching I started out small and working my way to doing bigger projects and trying to stitch more. Its good theraphy. So here is my story :


On Sept 23 ,2006 I had a stroke. I had never been sick a day in my life. When I woke up My mother asked

me what was wrong. I walked straight down the hall bumping from side to side into the living room. I could not speak. My right arm laid by my side. When my mother came into the room she asked again what was wrong. I started to stutter I could not speak no matter what i tried to say it wasn't there. My mother then told my 15 yr old brother to get dressed that we were going to the emergency room. I proceed to get up and walk to the car , my mother grabbed me to catch me from falling side ways. My brother walked me out to the car and put me inside. Then we drove to th emergency room . My mother took me by the arm and walked me in . The er was not full and as soon as I came into view the er staff took me back to a room. I was so scared. I knew something had happened to me but what I didn't know. The er staff talked to me and tried to get me to saying my name. I couldn't. They admitted me to the hospital and started doing test on me that evening. I just wanted to know what had happened to me. I was scared and by then i was crying. One the 3rd day they came in and said I had suffered a stroke.That I had not suffered any long term memory or short term memory either,but that I had a hard time experssing my self. The doctors said I had had a blood clot on the back side my brain and while I was sleeping it had broke. they also found I have sleep apena which we did not know about. The nuerogoist said that while i was asleep i stopped breathing and when I gasped for air the blood clot broke. The blood clot was on my left side which effected my right arm and speech. I could walk so it didn't effect my legs, expect i bumped to the right . Then therapy started to come in everyday and work with me on speech, ot , and pt. When i finally was released from the hospital I could sing a song. Which was an improvement. I have been in therapy ever since. My commuication skills are getting better I still have a long way to go. I can now type and my right arm works real good. But when i get flustered or up set the stuttering comes back and i don't know the words to say what i want. The doctors said it will take so time. I hope that one day I will be 210% but i am not sure.


I have so much to be thankful for but the two main people are my mother and my brother. They have been by my side the whole time and supporting me in everyway thats possible and I am lucky. :hug: :cloud9:


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You were lucky and it sounds like your progress is coming along. Don't get discouraged if progress plateaus - this is normal. Recovery is ongoing and everlasting.

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Thanks for sharing your story. Glad you are doing well.


My left side was affeccted, I notice if I get tired, frustrated or overwhelmed then the deficits are more noticable.


I am happy your mom and brother are there for you. Recovery takes a lot of patience and repeating things, hang in there and keep trying.

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thanks for your info, I am happy that you are recovering so well, practice makes it perfect, I know every little disability hurts, but let me tell you, you are very lucky girl, you will overcome this. having loving family is added bonus. keep working on your speech and your arm. I had stroked when I was 34 right after my pregnancy which left me paralysed on my left side, my left leg is doing okay such that I am able to walk not pretty though, hey but it's better than wheelchair, my left hand is still ov vacation.



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