Rehab Revisited
Remember the rehab I went to in December? After 5 months I finally had my follow up yesterday. As I progressed frustratingly I was discharged and have had no speech therapy or NHS physio since. Was a panel of doctor, wheelchair woman, physio and a nurse on the ward. The doctor declared I was managing fine, did arrange speech therapy though and I see them for another waste of time in 6 months. The NHS is content for me to stay as I am. I'm not! Would any of them be happy to stay needing help even to the toilet when being independent is a realisable dream? I think not. Ross sensed I wasn't happy with the meeting, I don't think my silence at the time made any difference to the outcome though. Our NHS is great but it is grossly unfair how some people get regular free physio while I would get none if I didn't pay for it.
I'll keep seeing my private physio, I'm getting there slowly. Had a good session this week. Normally I feel I'm falling backwards, my physio says it is where my trunk is so weak. Well this week I didn't feel I fell back, felt totally balanced. Worked myself hard, we're now working on building up my stamina. I'm doing exercises to strengthen my trunk, seems they are working. I built them into the set I do 4 times daily with speech exercises.
I admit to a few days of feeling fed up, doesn't everyone get off days? Yesterday made me fired up though, more determined to be successful. I had a long honest think after and I can really see improvement and hope, I'm not being silly. One day I'll show them!
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