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This is a day of memories. I feel blessed to be able to remember my Dad in a very precious way. I can't remember ever hearing anyone say one harsh thing about my father. He was loved by his community, business associates, clients, extended family and our family as well. I remember once my mother said to my middle brother (out of a little exasperation) "you are just like your dad"....His response? "That's just who I want to be like."


Some of my most chaerished memories - when I heard my dad pray he always said at the close of his prayer - "in the name of the One whom we have never seen we love so very much - Jesus". All the time he was so sick he's say - "God is still good". What a man of faith he was.


I've also been thinking of Diane - veggie vampire, as most of us remember her - and how determined she was. She was determined she would get better, regain strength, in spite of what she heard from the so-called "experts". What an inspiration she was, and how she will be missed.


Life moves on, but I'm so thankful for the memories I have of those who have played a part in molding me into the woman I am today.


Thank you seems so inadequate, but it's all I have today. Thank you Dad, thank you Diane, thank you Bill for what you have and do mean to me. You are inspirations to me and to those lives you have and do touch.



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I think of my Mom and Dad all the time. The memories is what keeps them alive in my heart and dreams. I have Diane on my mind too.

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I have many sad memories that come up at this time of the year. Of course we are in winter so duller, shorter days and too much time inside. We haven't seen the sun for a few days and that S>A>D (Seasonal Affective Disorder) feeling is overtaking us all. Add bad news like a couple of deaths at Mum's Dementia Lodge, Diane's death etc and it is easy to let it all overcome us.


But memories of the good times can also sustain us through the bad. Just had an old friend telephone and we were soon laughing at a couple of funny moments we shared recently. We've got to concentrate on the positives in life and try to move forward with a smile on our faces. I agree with your Dad - God is still good. And Life is still good too if we learn to appreciate the sunrise and sunset and all the hours in between that are ours.



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