why oh why do we all think we are invincible and we just go on doing things we know are bad for us but never expect anything to happen, I had all the things that put me at risk for stroke or heart attack, well I got one but boy the other and this was even after my brother died from heart failure, he also had copd, but nah it won't happen to me, I smoked, I had high blood pressure and diabetes, and high cholesterol, but it won't happen to me , other people yeah, but not me maybe someone older, I even had a TIA and still it won't happen to me, now It's too late to be who I was, I can still get better, but why do we think it won't happen to me, well guess what it did and it can, for all you out there who had a family member with a stroke you are now much more likely to have one yourself, I know even people who do everything right still have strokes but I would rather I had done everything I could not to have one, It's a little late but I finally quit smoking, got my blood pressure under good control, and my diabetes under good control, but none of that will change the fact that I am still partially paralyzed, and have cognitive issues, funny how even though a good part of my mind is gone, I can now finally see yes it can happen to me, duh, yep, this from the person who sometimes leaves the water running and floods the trailer, or puts her shirt on backward and never notices until I am already there. or any one of the other things I do now that I don't seem to pay attention as much, and get so easily distracted, I finally get it it can happen to me. :yadayada: well if this reaches one person and makes them change enough to not have a stroke, I will be very glad but you'll never know if you were one of the ones who barely averted disaster.
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