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Results from Dr. appt



Well, I honestly didn't expect what I was told today. I do have an SCI, spinal cord injury, but it is from something that I would have never thought. a virus. they are thinking that I got the virus from the spinal tap and that it ate away at my spinal cord. Ummmmmmm creepy. Well theres the update Have a great day everyone.


Becky from Chicago cloud9.gif


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I m speechless about ur blog, is it minor injury and chances of healing r there? I hope it is, and we all get our life back

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recovery is uncertain. 1/3 chance of complete recovery uptil 6 months post injury. Well past that time. 1/3 chance of a fair recovery upto a year. Past that time also. Then 1/3 chance of no recovery. So who knows. Take things as they come i guess

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