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Hello All!!



Just a quick update on what is going on in our world.


We, like everyone else, are trying to beat the heat. We live in Minnesota, for pete's sake, and it is still 95 degrees!! It is even too hot for the mosquitos to come out. The air conditioners are running constantely (air conditioner and Minnesota is an oxymoron) so the house is O.K.. At least comfortable.


Lisa is doing well. Physically fine and emotionally happy, almost giddy. I try to get her out of the house on some kind of outing at least once a day. You know, to the mall or to the mall or to the mall. She loves to shop. I don't get how women can just walk through store after store without knowing what they are looking for. I guess that is the difference in the sexes and I do not need any explainations. I sure I will get some.


Lisa had her 41st birthday last week. I hounded her for weeks on what she would like for her birthday. Finally, she said there was nothing that she needs. I was shocked. I figured she had her eye on some trinket or bauble. So, nothing I got her. When she needs or want something I just buy it to save me that trouble anyway.


I am in the middle of my golf season. I have been playing very well this year and have entered a few more tourneys. No real damage, but making a name for myself with the locals. Next week, I'll be playing in a tourney about 150 miles from home so I will be getting a mini vacation. I need it, too. Not that things are going bad, just a little break from the day-to-day. Her mom will be spending the weekend at our house and the kids both took it off. I hope things go well. There isn't really anything I can do if it doesn't.


Other than that, life goes on.






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Guest lwisman




The weather patterns are really strange these days. I live in the Chicago area and we are also in the 90s. The strange thing is that it was hotter last week in Wisconsin than it was here. It is suppose to get cooler as you go north.


Not to burst your bubble but I am female and have never really enjoyed shopping. And since my stroke, the crowds really do not appeal to me. :bouncing_off_wall:


These days I have a list (written down, because my memory is terrible) and am in and out of stores as quickly as I can negotiate or I shop online.


Hope you are able to cool down.

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Wishing you guys cooler temps. Weather patterns are definitely getting wackier - global warming perhaps? I just relocated from Arizona; they're saying that there, with global warming, the summer highs will be hitting 130's in years to come.


Best of luck in your tourney.

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so glad to see your blog, happy to see everyone including Lisa is doing great, I am also one of the person who never likes to shop, in mall or anywhere, if we want to buy something we go & buy no searching for deals for me, Lisa is great gal she does not want anything wow that's ne for me, I gave my hubby expensive list to buy on our anniversary.


Life does goes on post stroke.




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hi Butch, thanks for the up-date. Glad all is going well. Have fun and enjoy the golf.. be careful of the heat amd heat stroke. keep the water bottles in the cooler with you.


Here in the Pacific N.W. we have had a cooler summer, a ew days hit 90.. usually after a week of 60ish so.. no chance to acclimate. NO AC here. so have 4 fans running. Supposed to hit low 80's tomorrow. Our nights do cool down so it is easy to sleep.



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Guest thegoodlife


:Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands:




All sounds very well for you two; that's so refreshing to hear. About the shopping deal-I love it myself but am cheap one so not really problem. The explanation for that, is guy's really don't like it at all so leaves it to us ha ha!!!


It's nice to hear she is so easy to please you must be doing somethin right-Congrats!!!! :cheer: :cheer:




I am from Wisconsin and why is it SO HOT HERE???? :Tantrum: :gleam: :roflmao: :roflmao:


Take Care ,



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