still on my tiptoes
Well, I haven't posted her in a while because I couldn't figure out how to use this confusing site. Got it straightened out now and actually chatted with a few nw friends last night. tonight, I had my first dinner party since the stroke 3 years ago. I planned for a week and cooked for three days prior, today, I slept in late and then set the table and then took another nap for 3 hours. it went well, my neurologist's secretary, thhead stroke nurse at Penn and a menber of the neurology department at Penn all came for dinner. Neurologist was invited but his wife just had a baby so they were busy. We hgad a ham, potato salad, 7-layer salad date bars and pecan bars for dessert and I made the best lemonade you ever tasted!. it was a good time. I am reminded how lucky I am to have my husband who is such an intelligent and considerate man. He vaccumed, help clean up the kitchen in the absence of his mother and he is always happy to do these things for me. time for bed now it's 10:30
cathy :Clap-Hands:
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