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Of course neither of the other two animals would tell us where he could be or gave any indication that he was not there and hiding. He had disappeared in thin air. Friday, at 8 am my sister had a Dr. appt. but tried to get the Humane Society to see if he had been turned in but they don


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Glad to hear Pinky is well established in the house. Of couirse he's not talking. He probably "laughed" wherever he was hiding that you 2 couldn't find him. And but of course there is solidarity between the animals - I think it's the CLU (Critter League United) that they are all a part of.


So sorry to hear your week is not starting off well because of that dumb stupid jerk. I wonder if he's ever experienced anything in his life he really wanted but was denied.

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He was on vacation..didn't want to be bothered..lol! You said he was the only male..maybe all of the females were getting to him and he needed space..LOL!Keep thinking positive Bonsai...about your land, I am rooting for you. I wish I could cast a spell on the @#%*#%$ who is causing you all this grief.

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Hi Glad Sir Pinkie has been found..:) my one cat used to hide under the couch, her other spot was ..pawing open the linen cupboard and curl up on the towels or sheets.Wetlands AAAGHHHH I totally understand. There was one lady from the country here... that I had "not so nice thoughts" for. We finally got a different guy. He is soooooo much easier to work with. He actually came out to the property to SEE what we were talking about.We gave our llamas away due to the wetlands issues.... and you go into town and stores and malls are being on land that is (was) much wetter and more wetland plants that we have. It has taken us awhile... and $$$ buying plants for buffer zones, but we are getting closer to being done, though they can come out whenever they want for the next 5 yrs to make sure the plants are still in.. and growing.(((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))) from one who hates the word "wetlands"

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Hi Phil


Wow what a story. Mr Pinky takes a vacation eh. LOL


Cats will be cats eh.


Thanks for the Pepsi.


I wish I could reach out and cut some of that red tape for you so that you could just get on with your life.


But now they are even demanding ID from ambulances and fire trucks at the US/Canada border. Even the patient who was en route for major heart surgery the other day had to come up with ID before they would let them pass. In the case of the fire truck from Quebec the house on the US side of the border was burning down while the fire crew were detained for proper ID. (et least an extra 15 minutes)


What can I tell ya eh go figure...


Then of course there is the story of the RCMP killing the confused Polish emigrant at the Vancouver airport with a tazer.


As Mark Twain once said "The one thing in this world that is not so common is just plain common sense".


And as my dear grandmother used to say "It will all come out in the wash".


Keep your chin up.


Smiles :)



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