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Piggie ate too much!



Being bulimic is bad; but when compared to a symptom of a bleed, perhaps it would be #1. But, not wanting that either, I finally used a cola and am about to have another to relieve the residuals of being a buffet pig!


Oh, everything was so good! We went earlier than we should have and there were many people there and we parked in the last row, but the walk back after in a very light rain wasn't too bad.


I started out ok with veggies from the salad section and a few T. of salads, tuna, surinam, potato, macroni. and honeydew and canteloupe (fruits r good- LOL!) and then my second plate of a "mixed salad" with everything including tiny cubed turkey and ham, chopped egg etc. etc. Now a normal person would stop here but Piggy was there for the turkey, steak and all. Unfortunately, they said that steak wouldn't be available until 4 PM and no way we would still be there- but as I was finishing the turkey and additions, the woman next to me had a steak so I thought I'd have a look, and sure enough, they were managing to serve steak to those who wanted it, so my dessert would be steak.


My mistake was not to drink enough with the food to wash it down. I finally decided that a slow pepsi with my evening pill may help and it has.........gingerale with lemon would probably been better. So now, at 10:00 pm, I'll have another and Piggy will then settle down with the ads for Black Friday.


Next year, we'll time it better and I'll dilute my intake better- LOL!


Hope all of my friends here were smarter than this Piggy was . :im stupid: :big_grin: :cocktail: :roflmao: :unsure:



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Hiya Phyl (or should I say Ms. Piggy)


Glad to hear your feast was delectable. I haven't been to a buffet for a long time - the last one was Old Country Buffet - very very yummy. I didn't have the piggy feeling so to speak from consuming to much. Post, I get "stuffed" rather quickly which is good for the waist-line :thumbs up: Our feasting so far was within two households, one more to go - ours.


Now your reply to Stu's topic the night of Thanksgiving makes even more sense to me.

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OINK! OINK! LOL! Well that is what buffets are for but you sounded like you ate real good to me..It's okay Bonsai..it's Thanksgiving! Did you bring a doggie bag home? lol! Glad you got your steak on!

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phyllis, you crack me up!! sounds like you got your groove on and got your moneys worth which is what buffets are for. were you to stuffed to hit the stores on friday as you had mentioned in chat. if so i hope you got what you wanted and had a good time. just think you have 4 weeks now until the next feast arrives. hang in there bonsai. it will be here before you know it, lol

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okay, shirley beat me to it but i still want to say oink oink oink - phylis i think you did that buffet justice! i never would have had much except for the desserts. i get so thrilled with an array of sweet goodies that regular food - or "real food" as my husband says does not call to me. well, at least you had some practice for the upcoming holiday weeks.

cheers! kathy

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