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Chris Has Left This Life and Found Peace

Kj mcmeekin


To Everyone at Strokenet:


Chris had passed away on Friday 11/23/07.


It has been a very difficult time since August. Chris had been in the hospital several times from August thru September. On 9/10/07, Chris was admitted into a respite for additional care since his last hospitalization. He only continued to get weaker.


On 11/21/07 he slipped into unconsciousness with a temperature of 105. On 11/22/07 his temperature had gone to 106.1 and at 1:40am on 11/23/07 Chris went to be with our Lord.


Chris was a fighter. He never was angry or nasty with anyone during the past 3 1/2 years. He still loved life even tho he was either confined to his bed or his wheelchair. He always kept his sense of humor and wonderful smile.


The hospice nurses had told me that even during his last several weeks he was an inspiration to all of them.


I would like to thank everyone for your continued support and friendship since Chris' strokes.


I know this will be a very long and difficult road - he was the Love of My Life but I know that with God by my side and the help of my friends and family we will all be able to only remember all the happy times that we all spent with him.


God Bless and I wish you all Happy Holidays.


Kim McMeekin


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Kim, I am so sorry to hear of Chris's passing. I could say as so many will that this is a blessing but I don't know you well enough to say that. I just want to extend my heartfelt condolences to you at this time.


I have valued your support and friendship too. I felt so lost when I first came to this site and you were one who extended support to me and I have really appreciated that.


I will be thinking of you and praying for comfort for you over the next few weeks as you adjust to your loss.


(((HUgs))) from Sue.

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My condolences to you and your family with Chris's passing. You will have fond memories to cherish in your heart. I am sure your faith will help guide you and I'm also sure that Chris is watching over you from Heaven.


)))Hugs))) and God Bless.



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I am so sorry for your loss. I know it's been a tough battle for both you and Chris these past few years and you've had more than your share of pain. Chris may be physically gone from this world, but will always remain in spirit. May that spirit help you to get through this difficult time in your life. Our thoughts and prayers are with you always.


Sarah and Gary



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I am so sorry to hear about Chris, my thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time. you and Chris as a couple both are inspiration to me and many on this site, all caregivers are angels to me and now Chris got chance to be your angel it's payback time. you showed me power of love and faith in your partner. I know this time must be difficult for you, but your faith in God will get you though this period.


lots of hugs.




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Dear Kim, I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. Please accept my heart-felt sympathy. I know you have both fought the Big fight for quite some time.


You will feel "lost" for awhile, but know Chris is alive through all who knew and loved him. You will have many Happy, loving memories in your heart. As other's have said Chris will be watching over you now.


We are here for you, whenever you want or need to stop by, you have helped many of us here,


Sending virtual hugs, and prayers for comfort for you and your family, Bonnie





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kim, i am so sorry to hear about your loss, i did not know you and chris very well but i do know we all were affected by stroke. now he is at piece and won't have to fight so hard anymore. may your cherished memories of chris, help you through the days ahead. you were his angel, now he will be yours. take care and god bless.

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I send my condolences and prayers your way that you accept God's will and everything will be alright. God bless you for all you were able to do in making life for Chris so pleasant and the love of your life.

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Dear Kim,


I've been reading some of your blogs from this summer until now and Chris sure did have a battle over the summer. As did you. I can understand your place and I know Chris is certainly at peace now. It is such a struggle and I'm so thankful that our God knows just how much is enough. I'm sure your faith sill carry you forward and the best of all this is you know that Chris is finally at peace. He doesn't hurt anymore. There are no more of the indignities that go along with nursing homes and the inability to care for one's most personal physical needs. He's finally able to enjoy the Carnival called heaven.


My God bless and be with you over the next days, weeks and months of adjustment.


Love to you,



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Kim: I don't "know" you but all of us on this website are connected. I am also sorry for your loss. We never know what God's will is for us and all we can do is deal with what comes our way the best we can. It sounds like both you and Chris did that. I am a stroke survivor (June 2006) but was also a caregiver for my mother who had alzheimer's and died the year before my stroke. It is never easy and as much as we prepare, we are not prepared. I picture my mom to be completely free from all cares, pain and earthly problems floating in the clouds.

It helped me to have a corner of my home office as a memorial for he with a picture as I knew her and a candle I often light when in my office. The first year I also had a fresh rose every week for her. Healing takes a while, as you know. I learned that there is no right way to grieve and nobody can tell me how to feel. I grieved in bits and pieces. Since Chris was your husband it will be no easy task. My thoughts are with you. Leah

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Hi Kim

I am so sorry to hear about Chris, my thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time.Thinking of you and your family.


Take Care Kelly

a.k.a. Shakeyleg

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Kim, Baz & I send you our condolences & know that Chris is is in a lovely place now & you will meet up with him again one day.

Anne & Baz.

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