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Winter has Arrived



Winter is here, snow on the Ground. The last 2 years we have had snow early. Last year we were kindo of snowed in for 3 days.


I'm sure we Could Have Made it out if we really had to, but the roads were very snowy and icy and lots of accidents so we stayed inside where it was warm and cozy.


We only have a few inches now, and it is supposed to warm up later and turn to rain. The dogs are all snuggled up after their quick trips outside.


I made Turkey soup yesterday with the turkey carcass.. Yummy and just the ticket for a snowy day. I am also working on a couple crocheting projects.


I'm not sure I will have Tracy to go Christmas shopping with this year. The passes are now quite snowy, and it is a 4 hr drive one way. John is not the "greatest" at shopping unless it is for tractors or tools..lol One year we did go out for dinner.. and then late shopping... the stores wern't crowded and we got it all done in one evening.


I don't like big crowds and josteling.. If I bump into something it is like a chain reaction and I get "flustered" then rather overwhelmed and I feel like a deer caught in the headlights. So Now with a "busy" store I don't like going in alone. I can even get a bit panicky if John goes off to another part of the store .........There is just too much movement and my peripheral vision, I hate banging into people and displays . I do have a little of my shopping done. The family gift exchange is usually in January. SO we may go the gift card route this year...with little gifts from some smaller stores I am comfortable in.


I did get John out last weekend.. into some stores I wanted to go in... it was a mostly looking around, getting ideas and prices...


After 3 Stores I was done... just tired.. and had, had enough ... I actually gave up before John..LOL


Well today is going to be a lazy day.. the carpet needs vacuuming, but football is on, so that will wait until tomorrow. So computer time and crocheting.. off to cook brunch now.


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Sure sounds like winter is settling into your neck of the woods. Last night we had freezing rain - glad I was snuggled inside.


Post stroke, you've answered John's prayers - less shopping (every guy's dream and goal)

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Guest lwisman


Hi Bonnie,


We have had both snow and rain here in the last 24 hours. It was warmer overnight than during the day. Strange weather. It is supposed to get colder over night tonight. I think I will stay in. Sounds like your dogs have the right idea!


I do 98% of my holiday shopping over the Internet. Have done so since my stroke. That way I avoid the crowds, which are also difficult for me. If I do have to go to the store I go at 8am. Not many people go shopping then.

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bonnie, yes i have been watching the news and the terrible weather that the pacific northwest has been getting. i don't like the crowded stores either, so i do my shopping online with an occasional trip to walmart or target to finish it up. gift cards are the best received i think. stay safe and warm up there. i don't do well with the cold nowadays either.

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