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100 Things



1. I'm the oldest of 4 children.

2. I have brown eyes.

3. I don't know what color my hair really is now but I was born blonde.

4. I was born in East LA.

5. I'm afraid of heights.

6. I'm afraid of falling down.

7. I play the accordian.

8. I listen to country music sometimes.

9. My dad was in the Marine Corps and in Korea.

10. My mother was an only child.

11. My grandfather was Polish.

12. I can keep a confidence.

13. I love Mexican food.

14. I speak Spanish.

15. I went to Catholic school.

16. I have a high IQ but not enough common sense.

17. I'm an Aries.

18. I don't collect anything.

19. I knit and crochet.

20. I'm a great cook.

21. My sister has blue eyes.

22. I hitch-hiked across the US one summer.

23. I lived in Compton long before it was made famous by rap music.

24. I lived in Oregon.

25. I don't like snow.

26. Children love me.

27. Children THINK I love them. (I do, really).

28. I delivered a baby once with just the housekeeper to assist.

29. I want to go to Scotland to meet an online friend face to face.

30. I like tattoos and piercings.

31. I hate to run but I can walk for miles.

32. I love living in Las Vegas.

33. I don't love Mayor Goodman.

34. I don't get passionate about causes except...

35. ...issues concerning the homeless and

36. ...isuues concerning immigration.

37. I used to be homeless.

38. I've hit three Royal Flushes on slot machines.

39. I gamble too much.

40. In Chinese astrology I was born in the Year of the Horse.

41. I listen to Heavy Metal and like it.

42. I can sew really well.

43. I love leather.

44. I like Independent film.

45. John Irving is one of my favorite authors.

44. I read Stephen King.

46. My favorite actors are Christopher Walken and Johnny Depp.

47. I worked at the hospital in Oregon where they fimed "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest".

48. I watch "Music and the Spoken Word" on Sunday mornings.

49. I don't mind getting older.

50. I don't like Chinese food.

51. I think Juliet Binoche is beautiful.

52. Betty Boop is, too.

53. I loved sing-a-long cartoons..."Follow the bouncing ball..."

54. I lived in Half Moon Bay, California and could see the ocean from every window in my house.

55. I used to have acres of greenhouses. We grew roses for florists.

56. I don't like roses very much.

57. I'm a bit lazy.

58. I'm 5'6" and I don't know how much I weigh.

59. I don't like puzzles.

60. I saw "Camelot" with Julie Andrews, Richard Burton, and Robert Goulet when I was about 6 years old. Wish I could remember it.

61. I like "the Simpsons" and "South Park".

62. I'd like to write a book.

63. I've never been out of the US except to Mexico and then only to Mexicali.

64. I enjoy public speaking.

65. I used to teach Special Education.

66. I wear black nail polish.

67. My mom died 40 years ago and I still miss her.

68. I was a Young Women President in the LDS Church years ago.

69. I can't wait to be 55 and qualify for all the senior discounts.

70. I don't like Halloween.

71. I believe in ghosts and they don't scare me.

72. I believe in Guardian Angels.

73. Responsibility scares me.

74. Sometimes I tell white lies to avoid hurting people's feelings.

75. My birthstone is Diamond...lucky me.

76. I haven't yet divorced my last husband so I can't get married again.

77. I don't type very well.

78. I used to have an Irish Setter that traveled with me when I hitch-hiked. She jumped in someone's car one day and ran away. Her name was Sheba.

79. I like to drive but I'm not a great driver.

80. My favorite dog is a Golden Retriever.

81. My favorite cat is a Siamese. My mom used to breed them.

82. The only dog that ever bit me was a chihuahua. Three different chihuahuas.

83. I don't like chihuahuas.

84. My shoe size is 8 1/2 WW.

85. I've never really had a best friend. I've never stayed in one place long enough.

86. The thing I'm most grateful for in life is my sobriety.

87. I pray every day.

88. My maiden name is Edison. Yes, we're somehow related.

89. I have a birthmark on my bottom.

90. I love shopping at Walmart and hate shopping at Kmart.

91. I haven't quit smoking yet but I want to.

92. I don't like riding horses.

93. I do like riding Harley's.

94. I don't like romance stories.

95. I do like MTV.

96. People say I look like Charlize Theron. I like that.

91. People say I look like Faye Dunaway. I don't like that.

92. People used to say I look like Mia Farrow. I was about 14 and didn't know who she was till years later.

93. My nick-name where I go to meetings is "Luscious". I don't know how that happened.

94. I don't like George W.

95. I don't like the Dallas Cowboys or the Denver Broncos.

96. I love Boxing.

97. Muhammed Ali IS the Greatest.

98. I never thought I'd live this long.

99. I didn't think I could come up with 100 things.

100. My new motto (and I learned it from all of you) is "Never Give Up".


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I do live in Las Vegas. Any time that anyone of you is planning to come here, please let me know and we would love to treat you to dinner. :Starvin: I'd really like that.



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Great list Gal!!!! I'm an Aries as well. My b.d. is 3/31 We'll have to throw a party in chat :monkeydance: :music_band: :thumbup: :wish: :yay:

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